BARRETT@OWL.ECIL.IASTATE.EDU (Marc Barrett) (07/31/90)
I would like to make a few corrections and additions to the comparison table which was in a previous message about the Atari TT. All changes are with respect to the Amiga 3000. Comparison of standard features Amiga 3000 Mac IIcx Atari TT030 CPU 68030 68030 68030 FPU Yes Yes Yes Clock speed 25 Mhz 16Mhz 32 Mhz RAM (In MB) 2 to 256 1 to 32 2 to 26 MAX RAM on 17 ? 8 Motherboard Burst Mode Yes No Yes ROM 512K 256K 512K Graphics Max resolution 1008 x 1024 Optional 1280 x 960 Non-Interlaced Non-Interlaced Max colours 4096 Colours 256 Colours from 4096 from 4096 Max video RAM 2 Mb 8 Mb Highest Colour 320x512x4096 320x480x256 Resolution Non-Interlaced Non-Interlaced Sound Stereo Stereo Stereo Expansion ZorroIII NuBus VME Bus Width 32 Bit 32 Bit 16 Bit # of Slots 4 6 1 68040-Ready? Yes No No Hard disk DMA Non-DMA DMA Synchronous SCSI? Yes No No Floppy disk Proprietary Proprietary Non-Proprietary PC/XT Comp. PC/AT Comp. PC/AT Compatible Network No Yes Yes, DMA Serial 1 x RS232 2 x RS232 4 x RS232 Parallel Yes No Yes MIDI No No Yes ROM Cartridge No No Yes