[comp.sys.atari.st] Does anyone have the specs to the TOS 1.4 chips?

n8742883@unicorn.WWU.EDU (Perry Pederson) (08/20/90)

Hey there!

I ordered the TOS 1.4 from Toad Computers yesterday. (no more TOS 1.0!
Yay!) I can't find an excellent posting which I read a few weeks ago
showing all of the improvements that TOS 1.4 has over other versions
of TOS.  Could somebody pleeze e-mail me that document?

Thanx in advance,

     *****   *******      Perry Pederson:  email: n8742883@unicorn.wwu.edu
    *           *			   GEnie: P.PEDERSON
     ****       *		           Voice: (206) 676-7177
	 *      *	
    *****       *	
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      +		 +		... We sure live in a weird society!
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