[comp.sys.atari.st] Atari Safari '90, in Houston, Texas

cheehh@jetson.uh.edu (08/27/90)

            ATARI SAFARI      - -     COMPUTER SHOW!
                     The newest from ATARI.
                          User groups.
                           SWAP MEET.
                   Saturday September 1, 1990
                       1:00 pm  -  6:00 pm
                       Place: QUALITY INN.
             Southwest Freeway (US-59) and Weslayan.
                     HOUSTON,         TEXAS
                **   FREE    Admission!!!!!!   ** 
For information, contact: Bill Kithas, HACE president (713) 855-0815(home)
or 650-1994(office).  Houston Atari computer user groups are sponsoring
the largest Atari computer show ever held in South Texas.
ATARI SAFARI '90 will feature the newest in Atari computers and software.
This show, to be held in southwest Houston, will offer demonstrations in
word processing, desktop publishing, MIDI music, computer graphics and games.
BOB BRODIE, of Atari Corporation, will demonstrate several of the newest 
products: the STACY, a lap-top that can operate Macintosh software; the
PORTFOLIO, an MS-DOS hand held computer; the LYNX, a hand held color-screen
game game machine, and the STE, the newest in the full-size line of computers.
The STE features increased speed and enhanced graphics capabilities.
In addition to the demonstrations, the show will feature hardware and software
displays, and a SWAP MEET for used computers and related items.
Representatives from several computer groups will be available to help 
people select a low-cost computer system for business, travel or home use.
The show, hosted by the HOUSTON ATARI COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS, will begin at 
1:00 pm on Saturday, September 1, at the Quality Inn on the Southwest Freeway
and Weslayan, just south of the Summit.
                        TABLE INFORMATION
User group information tables. Literature and sign up members. NO SALES,
no cost.
SALES tables for: User group; Vendors; Swap meet tables. $10.00 table
charge.  Door prize donations may be substituted for table charge.
                  Make reservations by calling 
                         (713) 988-3712.
NOTE:  Originally the entry fee to ATARI SAFARI '90 was set at $2.00 in 
       order to cover the room costs.  The room costs have since been
       covered by DOUBLE CLICK SOFTWARE, which is located in Houston,
       so entry is now FREE!!!     Thanks go to DOUBLE CLICK.
        Most of this text came from a flyer published by 

	Atari owner   ===>		Alvin Carley,
							via the userid of:
	not   ===========>		Rikhit Arora
					CHEEHH@JETSON.UH.EDU (Internet)