[comp.sys.atari.st] Mega ST2 for Sale CHEAP!

ww0m+@andrew.cmu.edu (William Walker) (09/06/90)

Atari Mega ST2 for sale, includes:

     - Atari SC1224 Color Monitor
     - Magic Sac V5.91 with Epstart (print to Epson printer)
     - Epson LX-80 Printer
     - Software: Word Perfect, Flash!, PC-Ditto, TDI Modula 2,
          68000 Assembler, and more.
     - 2+ years of START magazine with disk

Give me an offer.  I would get as much use out of a termnal as I do out
of this machine.  I really need to sell it.  Will sell with or without
the printer.

I will take a huge loss on this machine, I just want the cash.

Willy Walker