[comp.sys.atari.st] Quick ST 2.2

darekm@microsoft.UUCP (Darek MIHOCKA) (09/12/90)

Quick ST II version 2.2

       - faster!
          - new features!
             - 68030 compatible!
                - new phone numbers!
                   - newsletter for registered users!
                      - German language version in Europe!
                         - expanded credit card and shipping support!

Price: $19.95 U.S.

Branch Always Software
14150 N.E. 20th Street, Suite 302
Bellevue, WA  98007   U.S.A.

Order line: (206)-643-9697   (10am to 6pm Pacific Time)
FAX: (206)-643-3844   (24 hours)
Telephone: (206)-885-5893   (24 hours)
Compuserve: 73657,2714

This is to announce that an update to our popular screen accelerator, Quick
ST II  version 2.2,  is being  released this Friday, September 14, 1990. It
will be  on sale  at the  upcoming Atari  shows in Glendale and Washington.
Quick ST  2.2 will  go on  sale at  dealers across  the U.S.  and Canada in
October. A  German version  will  also  go  on  sale  in  Europe.  Existing
registered users of Quick ST and Quick ST II can upgrade immediately.


Quick ST  2.2 is  a software screen accelerator. When used on any Atari ST,
Atari STE, or Mega ST, it speeds up the text and graphics operations on the
screen. Almost  any text  or GEM  based program  runs faster  as a  result,
making  your   ST  perform   like  a   much  faster  machine.  No  hardware
modifications are  required. And  the ability  to install custom background
patterns and pictures is included!

Quick ST  2.2 is  very memory  efficient, using less than 30K of memory for
the standard  version, and  less  than  20K  for  the  2.2G  version  (also
included). An extra 32K of memory is required for background pictures.

Quick ST  2.2 is  fully compatible  with hardware accelerators, such as the
T16 accelerator  from Fast  Technologies, the  Blitter chip,  and even  the
68030 chip.  When used with a hardware accelerator, Quick ST 2.2 provides a
speed increase on top of the speed increase of the hardware accelerator.

Quick ST  2.2 has  a number  of improvements  compared to  Quick ST 2.1 and
earlier versions. Some of the new improvements include:

     Support for the ISAC graphics card (which gives a screen resolution of
     1024x768  pixels   in  16  colors).  Moniterm  monitors  and  Overscan
     modifications are  still supported, as is the MonSTEr emulator (in all
     3 screen resolutions).
     Blitter support  for faster  screen scrolling,  and it  now checks the
     status of the blitter chip to see if it is disabled. This allows Quick
     ST 2.2 to run on machines with defective blitter chips.
     GEM line drawing and rectangle fills are even faster than before.
     68020/68030 accelerator  board support  is available  on a second disk
     for $10 more. Quick ST 2.2 also supports the original 3 graphics modes
     on the TT. Full TT support will be available in Quick ST 3.0.
     The Desktop  Customizer now allows you to temporarily disable Quick ST
     2.2  from   the  menu   bar,  for  easy  "before"  and  "after"  speed
     comparisons. We  found this  feature handy  when demonstating Quick ST
     2.2 at the recent World Of Atari show in San Jose, and you will too.
     Several bugs  have been  fixed  with  Word  Up  3.0,  Laser  C,  Opus,
     Wordflair, GFA Basic 3.0, and other programs. Two bugs relaeted to the
     fast GDOS font drawing are fixed. First, a bug that caused Word Up 3.0
     to occasionally  display garbled  text when  scrolling is  fixed.  And
     outlined GDOS fonts now get drawn correctly on a color monitor.

The Quick  ST 2.2 package also includes the MonSTEr high resolution monitor
emulator, the Quick Index benchmark utility, Quick View, and of course, the
Quick ST II Desktop Customizer.

Starting in  November, all  registered users of Quick ST II and Quick Tools
will receive  a periodic  newsletter which  gives information about updates
(such as  Quick ST  III), tips  for using the software, answers to commonly
asked questions, and other information. To receive the newsletter, you MUST
fill out  and send in the registration card that came with your Quick ST II
or Quick Tools software.

How to order Quick ST 2.2:

Quick ST  2.2 can be ordered directly by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, and
Discover)  through   Xanth  Corporation.   Various  shipping   methods  are
available, including UPS, DHL, Express Mail, and First Class Mail. Call the
order line  between 10am  and 6pm,  Monday to  Friday. Most orders received
before noon  will be shipped out the same day. Shipping charges will depend
on the shipping method chosen and the country being shipped to.

If ordering  by mail, send a check or money order for $19.95 + shipping ($3
in Canada and the U.S., $5 elsewhere) in U.S. funds and allow 3-4 weeks for
delivery. Make all checks payable to Branch Always Software. No C.O.D's.

How to upgrade to Quick ST 2.2:

To upgrade  to Quick  ST 2.2  from an  earlier version we MUST already have
your registration  card. Take  your original  Quick ST or Quick ST II disk,
include the appropriate update fee, and mail it to Branch Always Software.

Please note the new upgrade prices:

$3 -  If you  purchased Quick  ST 2.1 after August 31, 1990. If you did not
     purchase it  directly from  us, include  a copy of the receipt showing
     the date and dealer name it was purchased from.

$5 -  If you  are upgrading  from Quick  ST version  2.0 or 2.1 and live in
     Canada or the United States.

$10 -  If you  do not live in Canada or the U.S., if you are upgrading from
     Quick ST  version 1.8  or earlier,  if you  lost the original Quick ST
     disk, or if it is inconvenient to send the original disk.

Sorry, if  we do  not have  your registration card, we don't know about you
and you  cannot upgrade  and you will not receive the newsletter. So dig up
those Quick ST packages and mail in the registration cards folks!

NOTE: $5  off discount  coupons which  appered this  summer in  various  ST
magazines we  valid for purchasing Quick ST 2.1 only, and cannot be used to
purchase Quick ST 2.2.

Quick ST III

Rumors of Quick ST III (a.k.a. Quick TT) have been circulating for a while.
It was  our  original  intention  to  write  a  new  TT  compatible  screen
accelerator to  take advantage  of the  68030 chip  and the new TT graphics
modes and  have it released at around this time. That was based on original
estimates on  the release  date of  the TT in North America, which have now
come and gone. So a decision was made to take some of the features of Quick
ST III  and some  badly needed  bug fixes and make the Quick ST 2.2 release
for the ST computer. Quick ST III also runs on any standard ST, although it
has much  higher memory  requirements and a hard disk is recommended. Until
we have  a better idea of when the TT will be available, what the ST market
will be  like a  few months  from now,  what sort  of  new  hardware  (i.e.
accelerator boards  or new  ST models) will be available, consider Quick ST
III to be vaporware. Please do not phone us asking when it will ship or for
more information  about it.  When we  decide on  a release date, which will
probably not  be until  at least the end of the year, that information will
be sent  out in  a newsletter to all registered Quick ST II users. For now,
enjoy Quick ST 2.2!

n8742883@unicorn.wwu.edu (Perry Pederson) (09/13/90)

Quick ST 2.2 *sounds* good, but could we have some benchmark figures to 
see how much a speed improvment it gives?

     *****   *******      Perry Pederson:  email: n8742883@unicorn.wwu.edu
    *           *			   GEnie: P.PEDERSON
     ****       *		           Voice: (206) 676-7177
	 *      *	
    *****       *	
     +++++      +
	  +	+	'I' before 'E' except after 'C'....
       +++	 +
      +		 +		... We sure live in a weird society!
       +++++   ++++++

darekm@microsoft.UUCP (Darek MIHOCKA) (09/13/90)

In article <1990Sep12.183659.22645@unicorn.wwu.edu> n8742883@unicorn writes:
>Quick ST 2.2 *sounds* good, but could we have some benchmark figures to 
>see how much a speed improvment it gives?

Nope! I think enough literature has already been printed about Quick ST that
I do not need to supply it again. Numerous benchmarks of Quick ST 2.0 and 2.1
appeared on GEnie, Compuserve, Current Notes, PSAN, ST Informer, ST World,
and several other ST magazines. For me to post benchmarks could be viewed as
unfair. So instead I will ask you to check one of the reviews of QST 2.0 or 2.1
and then to the press release I posted listing the new QST 2.2 features.

Then again, if you really don't care whether your ST runs fast or crawls
(it's _your_ $1000 or $2000 investment) then don't bother. <grin>

  Darek Mihocka                            All views expressed are my own.
  Branch Always Software, 14150 NE 20th St. Suite 302, Bellevue, WA  98007