david@doe.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) (09/15/90)
I just finished downloading stbibtex.zoo from our local Sun. I received it on the Sun from Jon Brodie's BART at atari.archive.umich.edu. I connected with the Sun using Simon Poole's Uniterm, then quit into David Beckemeyer's RTX-based MT CShell, where I started up ckermit in the background, downloading the file. Next, I started up metafont, also as a background job, generating a new font for the SLM. I edited a couple of files while these jobs were running, and now I'm back in Uniterm typing this message. As a machine, the ST may have its problems. It also has its strengths. And one of the greatest strengths is the individuals who supply cheap or free software to make our lives a lot more pleasant. Just a couple of pleasant thoughts. David Megginson (in a rare happy mood) -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / David Megginson david@doe.utoronto.ca / / Centre for Medieval Studies meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////