[comp.sys.atari.st] Mint 0.6

joe@quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu (Joseph T. Rohde) (09/22/90)

My oh my.  Does it look good.  I love the new suspension
check on task swaps.  The process limits are great too!

I would now like to make a request to the net.  It has
always been stated that the author would be willing to share
the source for gulam.  Does anyone have it, or know the
current address of the author?

I think '&' and '|' and other things would be great to plug
into gulam with mint.  (It would also be a nice oppurtunity
to try and fix some things I don't like in the command
recall, ie: BackSpace at the beginning of the line, and swap
the Up/Down keys).

Thanks for any info ahead of time!