n160ao@tamuts.tamu.edu (Mark Lehmann) (09/25/90)
Has anyone heard about how Megamax is doing? I have tried to get in touch with a human their for awhile. I usually get an answering machine. Does anyone know how to get a new manual? Mine is worn to death? Does anyone know how to print out data froma program to the printer. I usually have to save my output to a file first, then I can print out the file with another program. There is a command I used years ago to send a character at a time to the printer, but it was not formated and it was a pain to use. Do I need to do some special printer processing (e.g. set up parallel port information) before I can send information to the print with the "fscanf(STDPRT,...)" command? Since there is nearly no support for LaserC, I was wondering if I should change to another C like Mark Williams C. Does anyone have opinions on this? Thanks. Please reply directly to me unless you think you input is useful to lots of people on the net. MArk Lehamnn tamuts.tamu.edu!n160ao
wgg@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM (Grant Grovenburg) (09/27/90)
I just talked to a real person yesterday on the phone. I also received my 2.0 LaserC update yesterday.