[comp.sys.atari.st] WAACE AtariFest 90 Organisations List

weiner@terminator.cc.umich.edu (Jeff Weiner) (09/29/90)

I'm postin this for John Barnes. It is an updated list of participating      
organizations for Atarifest '90. The Atari.Archive posse will be there,
so should you....Please mail John directly for details, NOT ME, as I 
don't know.


The following Organizations are participating in WAACE ATariFest '90
as paid exhibitors:

Advanced Technology Networks        Alpha Systems 
Application & Design Software       Atari Corp (US) 
Authorware                          Best Electronics 
Branch Always Software              Codehead Software 
Computer Digest                     Current Notes, Inc. 
D. A. Brumleve                      Data Innovations, Inc. 
Debonair Software                   Double Click Software 
Dr. BobWare                         FAST Technology 
Frontier Software                   Gadgets By Small 
GEnie                               Goldleaf Publishing, Inc. 
Gribnif Software                    ICD 
ISD Marketing, Inc.                 Joppa Computer Products 
L & Y Electronics                   MacDonald Associates 
Michtron, Inc.                      MultiByte 
SLICCware                           Step Ahead Software, Inc. 
Taylor Ridge Books                  Toad Computers 
Washington Music Center             WizWorks!
Zubair Interfaces, Inc. 

These 35 organizations are a cross section of all that is best in the
Atari Community.  Please download this message and post it on any
bulletin boards that you are connected to.  Please pass it on to your
user group officers and urge them to pass the word to all members.

WAACE AtariFest '90 is the only Atari show on the East Coast this year
that is receiving full Atari corporation support.

For further information contact:


This version (23 Sept 1990) of the list is a correction of an earlier
posting (22 Sept 1990).  I regret the errors which caused a couple of
vendors to be omitted.

weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu			"Ted, I fear that strange
Bet your ass I'm a wolverine...			things are afoot at the CircleK"