[comp.sys.atari.st] ST Writer Elite 3.8 ?Bug? -- TOS 1.4 Ramdisk

kendall@bsu-cs.bsu.edu (Stephen P. Kendall) (10/05/90)

To all who responded last time:  Thanks much for your advice.

I have been unable to get printer codes to work from any ST Writer Elite 3.8
document.  Neither <CTRL-O>nnn or any variation of <ESC>, <CTRL-ESC>, <ALT-ESC>
seem to work, although the docs say that either method should work.  The result
is that no codes are send.  This is true under TOS 1.0 and 1.4.  Can anybody
help?  Is there a more recent version, or maybe a patch?

Also, I just got upgraded to TOS 1.4.  Are there any good ramdisks that work
under TOS 1.4?  My previous favorite seemed to cause a reset on any application
call.  ACC-based would be perfect.

And in reference to recent cross-flaming, yes, I will consider any kind of
*ware:  free, share, or commercial.

Stephen P. Kendall			       |kendall@bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Ball State University                          |00spkendall@bsu-ucs.bsu.edu
"What do you want?"--six  "Information..."--two  "You won't get it!"--six