[comp.sys.atari.st] MiNT library

7103_2622@uwovax.uwo.ca (Eric Smith) (10/05/90)

Several people have had trouble applying the MiNT library patches I sent
out (I used forward slashes instead of backward ones -- I guess not
everybody has the same version of "patch" as me). Also, the file ftw.c was
still not compiling correctly. So I've bitten the bullet and resent the
library, with patches applied (so it's now patchlevel 3) to atari.archive,
as "mntlib03.zoo". This one really does work (I recompiled everything from
scratch), although as with all gcc stuff it helps to have lots and lots
of spare memory :-(.)

If you're having trouble compiling an earlier version of mintlib.zoo,
grab this one. Make sure the GNUINC environment variable is set to
the new include directory, too; some of the files are not compatible with
the old gcc library. Also, I've only tested this with gcc 1.37.1; 1.36
should work too, but I don't know about earlier versions.

Sorry about the compile problems. I've learned (again!) how useful
"make clean" is!

Eric R. Smith                     email:
Dept. of Mathematics            ersmith@uwovax.uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario   ersmith@uwovax.bitnet
London, Ont. Canada N6A 5B7
ph: (519) 661-3638