[comp.sys.atari.st] STreport/Z*Net articles

STT@kcbbs.gen.nz (Jon Clarke) (09/20/90)

>]Steve La writes:
>]    Does any one knows where I can FTP STreport and Zmag (Atari ST news)?
>]It is available on CompuServe, GEnie, and some bulletin board systems.
>]I need to know the hosts on the Internet that allow anonymous FTP.

  Jon Clarke replies:
  Steve, I do monthly disk for the users in Australia and New Zealand.
  I have the months worth of Z*Net and STreport on it. If you would
  like a copy each month drop me a note. As a parting note Zmag is 
  now called Z*Net.
   Jon Clarke - Z*Net Down Under.

  |  o( )  STaTus | The Atari BBS   | Snail mail to : Jon Clarke,     |
  | /  /\   BBS.  | in Auckland,NZ  +------------+    RD#2 Drury,     |
  +---------------+-----------------+ Running::  |    Auckland,       |
  |Mail : STT@kcbbs.gen.nz          | MBBS Ver 3 |    New Zealand.    |
  |     : J.Clarke6  - GEnie        +------------+--------------------+
  |     : 72000,3555 - CIS          | Node 1&2 :+64-9-606067 / 608485 |

kimes@cbnewsc.att.com (Kit Kimes) (09/21/90)

From article <1990Sep20.143614.20033@kcbbs.gen.nz>, by (Jon Clarke):
>   Steve, I do monthly disk for the users in Australia and New Zealand.
>   I have the months worth of Z*Net and STreport on it. If you would
>   like a copy each month drop me a note. As a parting note Zmag is 
>   now called Z*Net.

Almost true, but not quite.  To straighten the record out a little,
A*Net Online is the name of the ST magazine.  Zmag was (and is again)
the name that Ron Kovacs applies to the 8bit version of it.  After
a nine months absence, Zmag has reappeared on a bi-weekly basis
with news that is aimed primarily at the 8bit Atari user.  It is
even numbered #184, so no numbers were skipped.  The next issue was
supposed to be out Tuesday, but it isn't up on Ron's BBS yet. (as of
a little eariler this morning). According to mail he left me, that is
because he was at the Atarifest in Glendale, CA.  I'm looking forward
to his report.

Incidently, Jon, thanks for your fine articles in Z*Net.  I like to
hear the news about Atari in other parts of the world.

Kit Kimes
AT&T Bell Labs
Naperville, IL

STT@kcbbs.gen.nz (Jon Clarke) (10/07/90)

Hi Kit,
Well thanks for the notes re ZMAG issues. I will have to go and get a few
for the BBS here. Also thanks for the comments re Z*Net New Zealand. I see
it flamed this section of the net for a few weeks when the article of the
TT was posted. Now it is out and all can see.  Did you get your Zmags you
were after in the end or did you get them from the Znet BBS?

Jon Clarke

|  o( )  STaTus | The Atari BBS   | Node 1:+64-9-606-067 | PDN soon |
| /  /\   BBS.  | in Auckland,NZ  | Node 2:+64-9-608-485 | MBBS V3  |