[comp.sys.atari.st] Neat Terminal trick

gwg33762@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (10/10/90)

Just discovered how to trick Uniterm into doing something I've been trying
for a while.  It is possible to get Uniterm to pause the screen update, while
continuing to receive data (thus allowing quick reading of paged data even
at low baud rates).  This works great if you use a paged notes viewer or some
other paged text viewer.  The Uniterm ALT-Z holds only the screen updata (if
you have enough buffer room to keep receiving data).  If you _very_ quickly
hit space (or whatever key is next page on your viewer) then immediately (real
quick) hit ALT-Z, you can beat the Terminal to the screen clear code (that is
if your viewer clears the screen like mine between pages).   When you finish
reading the page that is held on the screen, hit ALT-Z and magically a new 
screen of data will pop up (instantly - not at slow baud rate).  Repeat.
Serve and enjoy.

Just me marveling at a dumb terminal trick (better than a dumb bar trick)...  

|  Garret Gengler     | - Every jumbled pile of person has a         |
|  g-gengler@uiuc.edu |   thinking part that wonders what the part   |
|---------------------|   that isn't thinking isn't thinking of -    |
|  Let's go Pirates!  |          --- They Might Be Giants            |  
| University of Illinois         | (Though I'm no rocket scientist)  |
| Dept. of Aerospace Engineering |  Mario Lemieux - get well soon!   |