[comp.sys.atari.st] Wuztec Rainbow monitor

ekrimen@csuchico.edu (Ed Krimen) (10/11/90)

Does anyone have any information or know where I can find some on 
Wuztec's Rainbow monitor?  Supposedly, they are VERY nice and come ST 
ready.  The person who told me this says it has the color quality of
the old JVC type SC1224 and paperwhite monochrome.  They also have a 
monitor that does all three rezes in Greyscales.  I also asked him  
where I can get more information, but does anyone here know anything 
about it?

Ed Krimen    - ekrimen@csuchico.edu -   |||   SysOp, Fuji BBS 916-894-1261
Video Production Major                  |||       [ THIS SPACE AVAILABLE ]
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