[comp.sys.atari.st] For Sale: Atari 1040ST System, Discovery Cartridge Copier, S/W

felixh@lightning.Berkeley.EDU (Felix Hack) (10/15/90)

.           Atari 1040ST System + Disk Copier and SW For Sale
.        Atari 1040STF CPU with keyboard springs..........$400
.        SC1224 Color Monitor.............................$200
.        Future GTS-100X 3-1/2" floppy drive..............$120
.                                                         ----
.      Discount price for above system ...................$650
.     (I would prefer to sell the components together).
.                Also For Sale:
.      Discovery Cartridge - Option 0
.      hardware floppy disk copier........................$130
.         Assorted Software For Sale:
.  (all documentation in good to very good condition; no boxes)
.   Utilities:
.   1st Word...............................................$10
.   Disk Doctor............................................$15
.   ProCopy v1.70..........................................$15
.   DungeonMaster Hint Disk - Tony Severa's................$15
.                                                          ---
.   All of the above.......................................$42
.   Arcade Games:
.   BattleZone.............................................$10
.   Championship Wrestling.................................$15
.                                                          ---
.   All of the above.......................................$20
.   Flight Simulators:
.   BattleHawks............................................$20

.   F-15 Strike Eagle......................................$10

.   F-16 Combat Pilot (British Edition, with box)..........$20
.   Harrier Combat Simulator...............................$10
.                                                          ---
.   All of the above.......................................$48
.   Simulators:
.   Arctic Fox.............................................$15
.   Elite..................................................$15
.   Test Drive.............................................$15
.                                                          ---
.   All of the above.......................................$38
.   Strategy:
.   Balance of Power.......................................$15
.   The Hunt for Red October...............................$15
.   Red Lightning (with box)...............................$20
.   Star Trek, The Rebel Universe..........................$15
.   Universal Military Simulator (Rainbird)................$15
.                                                          ---
.   All of the above.......................................$65
.           I'd prefer to sell in bundles.  I'll give discounts
	on any combination of software, not just on the groups
	suggested above.

.    If interested please e-mail or call Felix at 415-528-6905