[comp.sys.atari.st] New Apple Mac rumoured...

umochock@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Russell Ochocki) (10/15/90)

All this talk about low-cost Macs is encouraging.  If I was
forced to pick one computer as my favourite, I would
choose the Mac.  I use a Mac all the time at work.
However, I still wouldn't buy one.

The trouble with the Mac is that ALL the periphials
cost an arm & a leg.  This is where the ST has an
advantage.  Also, the fact that Apple likes to go its own way
when it comes to hardware interfaces rather than using
industry standards (e.g. centronics interface) is annoying.

What I look for in a home computer is not power or speed, but
flexibility.  IMHO, the ST is much less dependant upon its
native OS than the Mac is.  I get the impression that the Mac
will always be dominated by the Mac OS.  I don't see TOS on
the ST as being as dominant.  That's why I say the ST is
more flexible than the Mac.
|  \/   Russell Ochocki, University of Manitoba
| _/\_  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  (umochock@ccu.umanitoba.ca)