[comp.sys.atari.st] Sozobon C A-Line

jimomura@lsuc.on.ca (Jim Omura) (11/03/90)

     This has been a fairly mixed day for me.  I've been writing
Line-A bindings for Sozobon C and testing them.  For the most
part it's been fairly successful.  During the morning, I wrote
a few that worked and I was feeling very happy waltzing back
to my computer after lunch.  But the afternoon was not so
nice.  I made a few changes that worked, but one has got
me stumped.  It's not an entirely necessary function, since
I have an alternative which works, but is not crude.

     The A-Line routines generally make use of a lot of
data located in an area that can be thought of as a structure.
But most of the functions use a lot of data and it's not
necessary to set them all for each function call.  So I broke
them down into smaller specialized functions.  Nothing new about
this.  One of my function calls is FOREGRND().  The foreground
colour for most of the A-Line functions is set by 4 contiguous
'short' values starting at the 24th byte offset from the the
start of the variable structure

24 bit plane 1
26 bit plane 2
28 bit plane 3
30 bit plane 4

     That looks easy enough.  My first approach was as follows:

	.globl	_foregrnd
; foregrnd(spntr,plane1,plane2,plane3,plane4)
; Line-A binding for Sozobon C
; By Jim Omura
	bra	L1
;var	4	8	_spntr
;var	2	12	_plane1
;var	2	14	_plane2
;var	2	16	_plane3
;var	2	18	_plane4
	movea.l	8(a6),a3		; A3 = spntr
	move.w	12(a6),24(a3)
	move.w	14(a6),26(a3)
	move.w	16(a6),28(a3)
	move.w	18(a6),30(a3)
	unlk	a6
	link	a6,#-0
	bra	L0

     When I ran it with a test program, it worked.  No
surprises.  But crude?  Yeah.  Why pass 4 ints for 1 colour
register value?  Better to just pass the colour register as
a single int and then unpack it in the function call right?
So I wrote the following:

	.globl	_foregrnd
; foregrnd(spntr,colour)
; LINE_A spntr
; int    colour
; Line-A binding function for Sozobon C
; By Jim Omura
	bra	L1
;var	4	8	_spntr
;var	2	12	_colour
	movea.l	8(a6),a3	; A3 = spntr
	adda.l	#24,a3		; A3 points at Plane 1
	move.w	#3,d3		; D3 = Loop Counter
	move.w	12(a6),d4	; D4 = Colour Reg.
DIST:				; Start Loop
	lsr.b	#1,d4		;   Shift bytewide right
; NOTE: Last Bit shifted out sets CCR Carry and eXtend Flags
	bcs	ODD		;   Branch Carry Set
	move.w	#0,(a3)+	;     Bit Plane = 0 & Incr. A3
	bra	NEXT
ODD:	move.w	#1,(a3)+	;     Bit Plane = 1 & Incr. A3
	dbra	d3,DIST		; End of Loop
	unlk	a6
	link	a6,#-0
	bra	L0

     Well, as far as *I* can see, this should have worked.
It assembles fine.  But when I ran it in my test program I
ended up with 3 Cherry bombs.  Not fun.  I've spent hours
trying to figure out what's going wrong, but I can't see
anything wrong with it.  Well, if I did, I'd have corrected
right? :-)  Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?

Cheers! -- Jim O.

Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura