(Ed Arrasjid) (11/15/90)
For sale: Everything is in perfect working condition Great as a midi system.... Atari 1040ST (internal DS/DD floppy drive) Atari Color Monitor SC1224 With software $650 NOTE---- I will lower the price if you don't want some software I WILL LOWER PRICES IF YOU BUY everything (computer,extra memory, extra drives) Below prices negotiable depending on quantity... Z-ram 2/4 meg memory expansion board (with 2 meg 70ns installed) $170 Atari SF314 DS/DD disk drive $80 Supra Hard drive interface $80 SEAGATE ST157-N-1 48MEG 28MS Hard Drive $250 (another)Atari Color Monitor SC1224 $175 With software Software: All original bought software with manuals NeoDesk Quick ST II Dungeon Master GoldRunner Rogue Guantlet Pinball Wizard PrintMaster Plus A-Copier The Pawn WordPerfect TDI-Modula-2 Developers Pakage Flash And More ..... PUBLIC DOMAIN: Uniterm 2.0e Gulam Emacs Sozobon C Showdvi All the GNU utilities Mint multitasking system and MGR windowing system Minix multitasking/multiuser unix system (with minix gnu utilities) And Much more.... (about 100 more disks, and 30 megs on HD) OFFICE: (716)833-8863 (Eddy or Bernie)