[comp.sys.atari.st] REPORT: Spectre survives drop test

rrd@hpfcso.HP.COM (Ray Depew) (11/17/90)

Last Wednesday, at our User's Group meeting, one of our members was
demonstrating his STacy (yes, it's nice).  We had my Spectre GCR hooked up
to it to duplicate GBSmall's cute demo of a cheap Portable Mac (yes, that
was nice, too). 

When we were putting things away, I wasn't paying attention to what I was 
doing, and I picked up the Spectre by the disk drive cable.  The box didn't
like dangling from the cable, so it took a dive.  When it hit the floor
(1.3 metres below), the case separated, just as it was designed to do, and 
the 3 parts went their separate ways ("KE-RASH"!).

Everybody stared at the mess, and I tried to nonchalantly pick up the pieces
and assure everyone that it still worked.

When I got home, the first thing I did was examine the thing for damage.
The PC board and all its components looked intact, and the two halves of the
case were undamaged (not even a scratch!).  I put it all back together and
plugged it into my ST.  I had all my fingers and toes crossed as I booted up
the ST and started Spectre.

IT RAN PERFECTLY.  The ROMs were still intact and everything.  

Okay, so this is only one data point, but my opinion of Gadgets By Small has
just gone up a HUGE amount.  I reported my findings to another member of the
User's Group, and he said that he has accidentally dropped his, twice.  Still
works.  He likens the quality to that of HP calculators.  I (humbly) agree.
Ray Depew
HP ICBD -- IC's by Bill and Dave   