[comp.sys.atari.st] Mega ST2 for sale

ehood@. (Earl Hood) (11/21/90)

The following Atari computer system is for sale, plus additional 
accessories and software.

The following list is of all the Atari made products (Still have 
the original boxes):

     Mega ST2 68000-8MHZ.
     2 MB of RAM.
     1 3.5" 720k drive.
     30MB external hard drive.
     Mega ST Keyboard.
     SC1224 color monitor.
     SM124 monochrome monitor.
     SX212 1200 baud modem.
     ST Mouse.

The following is a list of additional peripherals and accessories:

BEST Mouse: Ergonomic design and longer cord.
Moniter Master: switch between color and monochrome with a push of 
     the button.  Has RCA output jacks for video and audio. Hook 
     to external speakers.
1 monitor stand.
1 Suncom Slik Stik joystick
1 Suncom Tac 3 joystick

All the software that is listed contains all the original 
documentation and boxes(if the software came in one):

NEODESK 3.0:  The ultimate desktop for the ST.
     Split Windows: see two different parts of the sane directory.
     Desktop Notes: write notes on the desktop, and save to disk.
     File Clipboard: expanding and contracting ramdisk.
     Independent Windows: Each window can display icons or text 
     Folders on Desktop: just like the Macintosh OS.
     Icon Editor: called right from the desktop.
     Macros: automate NeoDesk functions.
     Change the system font.
     5.25" drive supprt.
     Desktop pictures: Degas (un)compressed, Neo pictures.
     All resolution support.
     Plus much more ...

NEODESK CLI: command line interpreter in a window; good batch file 
     interpreter, utilizes NeoDesk file functions.
LASER C Compiler: includes,
     mouse-based multi-window editor, disassembler, make utility, 
     resource construction program, egrep, UNIX compatible 
     routines, RAM cache, debugging facilities, GEM documentation.
GFA BASIC 3.0 Interpreter.
WORD WRITER:  word processor; spell checker and thesaurus.
SPECTRUM 512:  nice painting program; show all 512 colors at once.
     (Throw in lots of converted .gif pictures)
UTILITES PLUS: Many disk utilities for the ST.

The following games come with original documentation and boxes:

BARBARIAN: great sound and two player mode.
BARBARIAN II: sequal to above; great graphics and sound (3 disks)
     (I've got map of the different levels)
BATTLE CHESS: watch the pieces fight it out in 3D; great graphics 
     and sound; play computer or over the modem; runs off the hard 
CHESS PLAYER 2150: Best chess program for ST; easy to see 3D 
     board; adjust level of difficulty; choose type of pieces.
CRAZY CARS: car racing game.
ENDURO RACER: good adaptation of arcade game.
POPULOUS: play a god and let your people flourish; good graphics; 
     play against computer or over modem; awesome game overall.
RAMPAGE: play a monster, destroy cities and eat people.
WIZBALL: bring color back to the land; good graphics; 1-4 players.

I also have the followin PD and Shareware programs:

UNITERM: good telecommunication program.
OPUS 2.2: spreadsheet.
MICROEMACS 3.10: text editor.
DL II: hard drive utilities; defragment hard drive.
DCOPY320: fast dearcer and arcer, mouse driven shell.
UNLZH 1.72: uncompress .lzh files.
ZOO.TTP: extract .zoo files and compress files in .zoo format.
PLAY: play random digitized sounds during boot up.
CLICK: assign digitized sounds to your keyboard.
NEWBELL: replace the bell with a digitized sound.
FATSPEED: accelerates disk access time.
PINHEAD 1.7: accelerate the execution of programs.
VKILLER 3.11: virus killer.
DCSQUISH: compress executables so they still run.

plus much more ...

The total cost of everything is $2700, however reasonable offers 
will be considered.  I prefer that the whole system is sold 
together.  You pay shipping.

Please respond to ehood@paris.ics.uci.edu
	       or ehood@einstein.oac.uci.edu
    	       or phone (714) 725-6449  (Irvine, CA)