bownesrm@rpics.uucp (III) (02/25/86)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** I am in need of a hard disk for a TRS-80 of either the III/IV or the II/12/16/6000 family. If anyone knows of one /please let me know by email or a phone call Thanks in advance. ./././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././ =@*#@ When In Doubt, Bob Bownes aka $| |\ DRINK BEER!! iii the slightly confused | | | (But Don't Drive bownesrm@rpics |__|/ that way, please.) (518)272-5028 785-1927(T,Th) -- ./././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././././ =@*#@ When In Doubt, Bob Bownes aka $| |\ DRINK BEER!! iii the slightly confused | | | (But Don't Drive bownesrm@rpics |__|/ that way, please.) (518)272-5028 785-1927(T,Th)