[comp.sys.atari.st] Uniterm Auto-dial loop advise

pv@polari.UUCP (Paul Varn) (12/01/90)

This is the explanation of the Uniterm auto-dial loop problem and suggestions
as to what to do.

The real problem here is a small bug in the auto-dialer menu, specificly the    
redial number entry.  Do not enter "0" as the re-dial number.  Any other number 
is fine.  Repeated Cntrl-c commands will eventually get you out of the re-dial  
loop, but in the event of using the forbidden 0, you might have to just hold it 
down until you get out.  If you enter a lot of redial times and want to get out,
you have to press or hold Cntrl-c for the number of times you asked it to dial. 
In 2.0e, Fail1 and Fail2 are not implemented, but are placed there for future   
development.  All the other entries work and may cause problems if you leave    
them blank.
These are the entries I use:
Prefix:ATDT                        Suffix:Cr (actually you press Cntrl-m here)  
Hangup:+++%w(20)ATH0Cr (again Cr means enter Cntrl-m here)
				    Retries:1 (or whatever, never 0)
Connect Message:CONNECT		    Timeout:40
Fail1:				    Fail2:

Note: when you press the Cntrl-m while the cursor is on the menu entry, you willget a small "Cr" which stands for the Atari ST Carriage Return and means you've
entered a control character.  Whenever Uniterm sees this, it will put a carriage return at the end of the line and execute it.

andrew@cs.utk.edu (Andrew Krzywdzinski) (12/02/90)

I found that this hangup message works faster (at least with a

Hangup: +++%get('OK\r\n',3)ATH<ctrl><m>

I just leave other fields blank (except for prefix and suffix, of course).

-andrew krzywdzinski  (andrew@cs.utk.edu)