[net.music] psycheldic music

timw@umcp-cs.UUCP (02/16/84)

	The cramps have about five albums out: Gravest Hits, Songs the Lord
 Taught Us, Psycheldic Jungle, Off the Bone, and their new live album 
 Smell of Female. Songs the Lord taught us isn't as good as Gravest Hits or
 Psycheldic Jungle, but it's okay. Off the Bone is a compilation of their
 singles and is a good album. Smell of Female is a new live ep recorded
 at the peppermint lounge. It's brand new material and good stuff. worth 
 	The Lyres, not the Liars, but i don't know a whole lot.

Speaking:  Tim Wicinski			  
University of Maryland
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!timw
CSNet:	timw@umcp-cs 	ARPA:	timw.umcp-cs@CSNet-Relay