[comp.sys.atari.st] Rich???

rgoseweh@digi.lonestar.org (Roy Gosewehr) (12/14/90)

(Sorry for the post, but no other way to contact Rich):

To "Rich" looking for Crystal Castles:

The individual that was interested in Crystal Castles changed his mind
(I think it was a fishing expedition).  If you are still interested,
give me a call.  I will also sell you Crack'd for an additional $2
(for the above reason).  

 CRYSTAL CASTLES ...... $ 5.00  - Bentley Bear arcade by Atari
 +CRACK'ED ............ +$ 2.00  - color "target-shoot" by Atari

 Roy C. Gosewehr (GEnie R.C.Gosewehr)
 Work Phone:  214-519-3826 (day)
 Home Phone:  214-517-4981 (eve/answ. machine)
