[comp.sys.atari.st] Micromix 1

dit@frenzy.sybase.com (12/29/90)

Well, I posted this query a few months ago, but read on..
I am looking for the demo called Micromix 1, which uses samples from M/A/R/R/S
"Pump up the Volume". I am aware that it is on the atari archive, but 
unfortunately the version on there is the same screwed up version that I got
from Lord Barak's bbs over a year ago.. So, does anyone have a version of
this demo that has the FULL WORKING SPL FILE.. with out the dropouts and stuff?
This should also serve as a warning not to waste your time grabbing this 
program from the archive, since the SPL file is screwed..

David Trumbull         \     	My motto, as I live and learn, is:
 dit@sybase.com        /	  Dig and be Dug      
	Indeed        /		  In Return