[comp.sys.atari.st] PageStream Fonts

silvert@cs.dal.ca (Bill Silvert) (01/02/90)

I finally have a version of PageStream (1.8) which is stable enough to
use, but among the many problems I am having, the fonts are weird.  Tyme
and Helv work OK, but Saturn and Hudson, despite the presence of printer
files for these fonts, do not print correctly -- many of the letters
appear only in outline form (i e and x in Saturn, about half the letters
in Hudson).  I don't use these fonts very much, but it is annoying.

Does anyone have printer drivers for some of the other fonts which PS
supports only for PostScript, such as Symbol and dingbats?  These would
be nice -- the quality of the output on even a 9-pin Panasonic KX-P1180
is excellent!

It would be nice to pick up some tips about PS from this newsgroup,
since the old PPPro manual is obsolescent, and SoftLogik doesn't seem to
have plans to update it, just bits and pieces on loose sheets of paper
with each new release.  Do the new versions come with a up-to-date manual?

Bill Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division.
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2
UUCP: ...!{uunet,watmath}!dalcs!biomel!bill
Internet: bill%biomel@cs.dal.CA		BITNET: bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac

covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) (01/05/90)

In article <1990Jan1.193559.24673@cs.dal.ca>, silvert@cs.dal.ca (Bill Silvert) writes:
> I finally have a version of PageStream (1.8) which is stable enough to
> use, but among the many problems I am having, the fonts are weird.  Tyme
> and Helv work OK, but Saturn and Hudson, despite the presence of printer
> files for these fonts, do not print correctly -- many of the letters
> appear only in outline form (i e and x in Saturn, about half the letters
> in Hudson).  I don't use these fonts very much, but it is annoying.
. stuff deleted
> with each new release.  Do the new versions come with a up-to-date manual?
> -- 
> Bill Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division.

Bill, our PHAST Times newsletter is produced using PageStream 1.8
and printed on a SLM804 laser printer (the SLM804 is used at Computer
Works, our local Phoenix area ST store). Our PHAST editor is a guy named Jim Kehoe
who is very happy with version 1.8.

As far as a new manual is concerned if you would call Softlogik I believe that
you would hear that a new manual is available. I read a message on GEnie to
the effect that users who ordered the $25 upgrade to PgS 1.8 got a new
manual. I didn't know that when I sent in my $10 upgrade or I would have
sent for the $25 upgrade.

In any case there is plenty of help for you if you can get a GEnie account.

Good luck with PgS 1.8

 Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group
 AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ   (602) - 581-4652
 TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx
 UUCP: {ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att}!gtephx!covertr

nelson@kodak.UUCP (Bruce Nelson) (01/07/90)

SoftLogik sells a new manual for PageStream 1.8 for $15. The complete
upgrade for PageStream 1.5 owners is $25, $10, w/o the manual. Dealers
are authorized to make copies of their 1.8 upgrade upon proof of ownership.

I have at least 16 public-domain fonts for PageStream, and another 30
that I bought from several companies.

The public domain fonts are available on Genie, CompuServe, and on 
SoftLogik's BBS.

Bruce Nelson

lwwarpup@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Lonnie W. Warpup) (01/10/91)

Does anyone know of a site that allows anonymous ftp'ing that holds font
files for PageStream?  I am looking for some new fonts, but I don't know
where to look.  Please e-mail any responses.  Thanx.

| "It's only wafer thin."     | Lonnie Warpup |           Internet:         |
|    -"The Meaning Of Life"                   lwwarpup@vela.acs.oakland.edu |

rcd@cbnewsj.att.com (rana.c.dutt) (01/11/91)

I don't know about anonymous FTP, but a good source for PD Pagestream
fonts is BRE Software (1-800-347-6760).

They have at least a half dozen disks chock full of Pagestream fonts like
Chancery, Century Schoolbook, Lucida, Futura Extra Bold Condensed, etc.
The disks are $4.00 each, but if you order 5 or more, they're $3.49 each.

Hope this helps. I have no affiliation with BRE software. 

Rana Dutt