[comp.sys.atari.st] Shadow

uace0@uhnix2.uh.edu (Michael B. Vederman) (07/10/88)

Hello ALL!

Just a quick note here to let everyone know that if you have comments or
questions regarding our latest software release SHADOW, we (Paul and I) are
available at this address.

We are the University Atari Computer Enthusiasts also.
And if you are familiar with ATARINET, I would like to announce that it may
no longer be available as a service to the Atari community.  The computing
center is thinking of switching to LISTSERV, and during the transition, they
are thinking of removing ATARINET.

The move to LISTSERV would mean increased maintenance for the staff, and
they want to get rid of ATARINET under the rationale that it does not service
or advance educational or research activities.  (In reality I believe they want
to get rid of us so they don't have to maintain it - on the average we get over
5000 accesses a month!)

If you have comments, arguments, or suggestions which we can use to defend our
position, in order to keep ATARINET going (and under LISTSERV), we would like
to hear your thoughts.

Thank you,
Michael Vederman

for (;;)                              : Use ATARINET, send an interactive
        do_it(c_programmers);         : message such as:
                                      : Tell UH-INFO at UHUPVM1 ATARINET HELP
University Atari Computer Enthusiasts : University of Houston UACE

kentd@FtCollins.NCR.com (Kent.Dalton) (01/13/91)

>	I've seen a few copies of shadow still on the wall in local stores.
>( At least here we have local stores ) I don't think Antic is shipping
>it or supporting it at all, in fact, of the 6 warranty cards I mailed
>to Antic during their heyday, I never received one newsletter, catalogue
>or any other ack.

In the January 1991 STart, Shadow is being offered for sale by Antic in
their 'Grab Bag' Promo.

So they are selling it still. I dunno about support. My copy works fine.

To put my feelings in on Shadow... I like it a lot and use it regularly.
It's been very bullet-proof, survives resets, and doesn't conflict with
other auto prgs or accs. Support of CompuServe B+ and YModem Batch are
nice features. I agree that an update to include ZModem could breath new
life into sales of the product.

/* Kent Dalton                     * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
/* NCR Microelectronics            *   CIS: 72320,3306                    */
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