dsmall@well.sf.ca.us (David Small) (01/16/91)
(The referenced article asks if Mac SE ROMs work in the Spectre.) Alas, no, they don't. The only ROMs that work in Spectre are 128K ROMS, also called "Mac Plus" or "Mac 512Ke" ROMs. No other ROMs work. ^?The cartridge hardware cannot even work with 256K ROMs plugged into it. Spectre no longer supports 64K ROMs. In truth, many versions were released that had 64K support broken, and I think we had about one complaint every 6 months from someone who found this out -- the whole point of the product was the 128K ROMs, as everyone knows. I don't even know which version was 64K fixed; I do know that there were so many differences that supporting twin sets of ROMs drove us up a wall and added a lot of (bug-possible) code. Also, working with hard disks on 64's is most entertaining if you're into the bondage scene. I don't have any plans to do a 256K ROM emulator, either for the Mac SE 256K ROMs or for the Mac II 256K ROMs (they are VERY different ROMs, just same total size). I think I've disassembled enough for three people in my life. -- thanks, Dave / Gadgets