[comp.sys.atari.st] EXCEPT 2.0 - The accessory version

jlf@cs.wvu.wvnet.edu (Jack L Forester) (01/21/91)

     I've just uploaded version 2.0 of Except to atari.archive.  It works 
essentially the same as version 1.0 except it is now an accessory and it has
some new features:

	- You can lock Except's vectors in place thus preventing some other
program from stealing them away.

        - You can 'turn off' Except's handling of exceptions.  Version 1.0
forced you to change the configuration file and reboot.

     Once again, Except replaces the cherry bombs that are displayed when
exceptions occur with nice friendly dialog box.  It is also configurable
meaning you can have the program respond to some exceptions but not

Jack Forester, Jr.          * Disclaimer:  My opinions are mine and mine     *
jlf@a.cs.wvu.wvnet.edu      *              alone!  I don't share my opinions * 
West Virginia University    *              with anyone!  :-)                 *
Dept. of Computer Science   *                                                *