[comp.sys.atari.st] Installing a Printer SUMMARY

darryl@nexus.YorkU.CA (Darryl Gamble) (01/22/91)

This is a summary of a solution to installing a printer on an
Atari ST.  See below for e-mail response and initial problem.

Many thanks to a quick and concise response.

In article <20599@yunexus.YorkU.CA> you write:
|> Hello.
|> I have an Atari ST 520 and a Panasonic 1080 (80 Column printer)
|> I am trying to get this working for a friend.
|> My experience with Atari's is very little.
|> When I try to print the screen to the printer, the computer seems
|> to think that the printer is a 132-column printer and does not
|> start printing at the left margin.  Also a program called StoryWriter
|> similarly starts printing at about the center of the page.
|> With programs that allow you to install a printer driver, no problems
|> arise.  The manual for the computer mentions a desk accessory called
|> InstallPrinter which is not available to me.
|> If anyone has any suggestions (HELP) or ftp sites where I can
|> download some appropriate software, please e-mail me.
|> Frank Pikelner
|> York University
|> frank@cs.yorku.ca

The problem is that the atari is assuming you have a printer (at atari
printer) that spits out something like 1280 dots per horizontal scan.
The Panasonic 1080 spits out something like 960. (Hence you are seeing
only 960/1280'th of a screen with a screen dump). There are a couple of
ways to correct this, the easiest of which is to use one of the desk
accessories that comes with the system (I forget which, could be
Install Printer that you mention not having -- I could email you
a copy if you can't find one elsewhere).  At any rate, you use this
accessory to change the number of horizontal dots to 960, and then
*save the desktop* to all of the disks that are used to boot the system.
The printer info. is kept in the desktop.inf file and read in at boot time.
Peter L. Jackson                  |  peter@geog.ubc.ca
Atmospheric Science Programme     |  peter_jackson@mstg.ubc.ca
University of British Columbia    |  peter_jackson@ubcmtsg.bitnet