[comp.sys.atari.st] Simple data plotter

dejesus@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Francisco X DeJesus) (01/18/91)

    Does anyone know about any simple PD/Shareware utility (or source code)
that will take in a data file of x-y coordinates and just plot them to the
screen? The data file format does not matter since I will be making my own
program that will generate it and write it to disk. It can be for any ST
resolution. It does not need to draw curves or splines between the points,
just to plot them one at a time. Thanks in advance...

   ___ /      _______________________________      - Francisco X DeJesus
   |- / \/                                  \\
   ' /  /\    dejesus@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu  \\__________________________
    /         ak662@cleveland.freenet.edu    ////////////////////////////

rcb@netcom.UUCP (Roy Bixler) (01/18/91)

In article <5727@rex.cs.tulane.edu> dejesus@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Francisco X DeJesus) writes:
>    Does anyone know about any simple PD/Shareware utility (or source code)
>that will take in a data file of x-y coordinates and just plot them to the

GNU Plot sounds like what you're after.  It will take data files, plot
functions and do so on a variety of output devices (such as the ATari
ST screen, a file of Postscript output or an Epson printer).  It was
recently posted to comp.binaries.atari.st and should also be available
on atari.archive.

>   ___ /      _______________________________      - Francisco X DeJesus
>   |- / \/                                  \\
>   ' /  /\    dejesus@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu  \\__________________________
>    /         ak662@cleveland.freenet.edu    ////////////////////////////

Roy Bixler

andre@maestro.htsa.aha.nl (Andre v.d. Vlies) (01/18/91)

 In article <21223@netcom.UUCP> rcb@netcom.UUCP (Roy Bixler) writes:
 >In article <5727@rex.cs.tulane.edu> dejesus@bourbon.ee.tulane.edu (Francisco X DeJesus) writes:
 >>    Does anyone know about any simple PD/Shareware utility (or source code)
 >>that will take in a data file of x-y coordinates and just plot them to the
 >GNU Plot sounds like what you're after.  It will take data files, plot
 >functions and do so on a variety of output devices (such as the ATari
 >ST screen, a file of Postscript output or an Epson printer).  It was
 >recently posted to comp.binaries.atari.st and should also be available
 >on atari.archive.
GNUplot is a nice package indeed! BUT .... it refuses to plot negative
points when you give a data file. Worse, it takes a (X,Y) and plots it
like (|X|,|Y|)..... I've send mail about it, but never received any

                    Andre v.d. Vlies
                    Algemene Hogeschool Amsterdam, The Netherlands
                    Technische en Maritieme Faculteit
                    andre@maestro.htsa.aha.nl or ...{backbones}!htsa!andre
		    Voice: (+31) 20 423827            Fax: (+31) 20 443215

It takes a live appetite to make a meal a feast -- Keith Laumer
					(The Bodybuilders -- Galaxy 1966).

chu@acsu.buffalo.edu (john c chu) (01/23/91)

In article <21223@netcom.UUCP> rcb@netcom.UUCP (Roy Bixler) writes:
>GNU Plot sounds like what you're after.

[stuff deleted]

> It was
>recently posted to comp.binaries.atari.st and should also be available
>on atari.archive.

Can someone tell me where it is on comp.binaries.atari.st?

I've checked the entire binaries index to Panarthea and I've checked
volumes 10 to 12 in the Binaries directory on atari.archive (which
should be redundant coverage). I've found a few programs that do
plotting in the binaries archive(s), however, I need the ability to
generate a Postscript output file which GNU Plot sounds like it has.

On the other hand, are there programs out there that'll do a screen
dump (monochrome format) to disk? (Then all I'd need to do is ask on
comp.lang.postscript how to print that on a postscript printer!)
