ramsiri@blake.u.washington.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) (01/17/91)
I am interested in CODEKEYS, the macro generator from Codehead SOftware. My question is this: Condsidering that the macro generator uses discrete timing, would the following be impossible: Would the following macro work: After SOFTLINK (partitioning software) boots from auto folder, run a program in partition 1, boot partition 2, run NEODESK and an autoboot FROM WITHIN neodesk, boot partition 2, run another Neodesk and another autoboot from within neodesk...? Considering that the macero has to wait for the installation of the partitions AND the loading of the programs before going on the next partiton, i was wondering if the machine would get bunged.. The reason this macro would be wonderful is that SOFTLINK doesn't allow for preconfigured partitions at bootup... that is, programs that will auto load in each partition as they are installed... as a matter of fact, the partitions are never really booted until you manually go and press SHIFT-#pad .. seems like this could be done with CODEKEYS. No? If CODEKEYS can do the above, consider me a buyer today! thanks -kevin
Bryan_Jones_Woodworth@cup.portal.com (01/21/91)
I do believe that macro can be done with CodeKeys.. as long as the computer does not physically reboot... You can time or NOT time macros.. CodeKeys works very good. If you time it, you can simply let codekeys "watch" what you do, and it will later execute the commands in exact order.. It will even wait 5 minutes if you wait 5 mins. If you decide later you want the delay to be less, you can go in and edit it.. This is a very powerful program.. I have no complaints. Bryan_Jones_Woodworth@cup.portal.com
Bryan_Jones_Woodworth@cup.portal.com (01/25/91)
Yes, CodeKeys can record any event, as long as you have control over the system. That is, as long as you can load the .ACC or .PRG and access it, you can use CodeKeys. Needless to say games won't work with it.. the bootsector-initiated ones. It is a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY GOOD PROGRAMME and I have found it very useful. Bryan_Jones_Woodworth@cup.portal.com