(BRost) (01/31/91)
I am currently researching an article for the Transoniq Hacker magazine. The subject is a survey of public domain software for any of the various Ensoniq keyboards (ESQ-1, SQ-80, Mirage, EPS, VFX). I would like to hear from anyone on the net who has in their posession any PD programs, such as patch/sample editors, patch/sample librarians, utilities, etc. for *any* personal computer that is in the public domain. I am *not* interested in non-functional demos that you may have, such as patch librarians that cannot write back to the synth. I am also not interested in patches or samples themselves (not for the article anyway...). The information I need on these programs is: 1. Name of the program, version number, the author (if known) and his address. 2. Your source for the program. 3. What hardware configuration is needed to use the program (memory size, monitor type, MIDI interface type, disks, etc.). 4. Brief description of what it does. 5. Whether or not you have access to dump the program to me over the net. 6. For Atari and IBM programs, whether or not you would be willing to copy the program onto a 3.5" floppy I would provide. Please make all replies by E-mail. Brian Rost 508-467-6289 **************************************************** * * * The above does not reflect the opinions of * * my employer. * * * * If music is outlawed, only outlaws will be * * musicians. * * * ****************************************************