[comp.sys.atari.st] Name Brand Floppies

jimomura@lsuc.on.ca (Jim Omura) (02/05/91)

     Many people buy "white box" discs to save money.  I've tended
to buy "name brand" floppies since I started to get 3 1/2" floppies
because 3 1/2" floppies were inherently expensive, and I wanted
to make use of the warranties.  Up until now I've collected bad
disks and haven't returned many.  The dealer I bought Fujis from
exchanged them directly, so I haven't dealt with Fuji directly yet.
But I had a bad BASF disk last year (bad right out of the box)
and I returned it by mail to the US.  I sent it on Oct 31, 1990
and just yesterday (Feb. 4, 1991) I received my reply.

     Though they were late, I'm happy to say they replaced the
disk and sent extras to recompense the delay and cost of mailing.
Overall I give BASF full marks for their efforts to honour their
warranty.  If you see BASF's at an attractive price, it seems to
be a disk worth buying on that account.

Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura