[comp.sys.atari.st] HELP!! Need Hard Disk UNDELETE Ultility

ant@mks.com (Anthony Howe) (02/07/91)

I've managed to delete a whole directory that has not been placed on backup
yet. I really need this stuff. Can some one please e-mail me a utility
to undelete files from a megafile hard drive please. I don't have ftp
access to any sites and the bart mail server has trouble in sending me

-ant (the stupid and desperate)
            __                               "So many pedestrians
 _  . .-|- / _\ .  . |_  _.    _  _  .  .     So little time." 
(_\ |\| |  |(_/ |\/| |\ _\  o (_ (_) |\/|   		bumber sticker 
Mortice Kern Systems Inc. 35 King St. N., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 6W9