[comp.sys.atari.st] Hypercard-like program for ST's

oddjob@oz.plymouth.edu (Andrew C. Stoffel) (02/08/91)

[This is most likely going to be a perenial question --]

I'm looking for some SOFTWARE product that will let me design
hypercard-like entities on my ST. I saw a notice for something called
Hyperlink here a few weeks back.... can anybody give any further info
about it ??

I'm not interested in Zoomracks (if it even still exists) and I'm NOT
going to go out and buy a Mac anytime in the next two years (not
because of some psuedo-computer religion much like the current Amiga
spoutings in this newsgroup. I like Hypercard on a Mac. I just can't
afford a second computer.) and I can't afford Spectre GCR (not with
a dying harddisk I'll soon be replacing).

	Does anybody have any pointers for a hypercard-like program
that has a "scripting" language like Hypertalk and that is portable
between the ST (or TT even) and Macs. (Portable means image and
scripting wise. I can understand XCMD's & XFNC's not being portable.

|"The Snark WAS a Boojum, you see!"|Good   : acs@unhd.unh.edu       |
|"Reality !?! Isn't that something |Better : ANDYS@psc.plymouth.edu |
|    you sprinkle on ice ??"       |Best   : oddjob@oz.plymouth.edu |