[comp.sys.atari.st] XENOMORPH

dusek@motcid.UUCP (James P. Dusek) (06/29/90)

	I've been playing this game often,but i'm kinda stuck.I got all the anti-matter rods for the spaceship,but haven't been able to fix the computer.The    replacement boards I found but no software?Can anyone help me?

	Email address is as above

	GEnie address J.DUSEK

						Thank you

						James Dusek

						Motorola FSD

dddean@bluemoon.uucp (David D. Dean) (02/14/91)

Hello :-)

        My friend and I have been trying to beat this game, and I think 
that we've come to a stand-still... We have made it to the 4th level of 
the game, the caves part, and have been stuck.

The docs say that you change the characters, but we haven't figured that 
out either!  If you could give me any help on this game, ANY HELP ON THIS 
GAME, that would be HIGHLY Appreciated!!!

Thanks All!!

David D. Dean, President
Explorer Post 891
AT&T Bell Laboratories

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