[comp.sys.atari.st] Spectre utilities on atari.archive.umich.edu...

ttonino@bio.vu.nl (Thomas Tonino) (02/14/91)

Hello folks, I just mailed some wonderful shareware Spectre
utilities to atari.archive.umich.edu.

These are:

Aladconv: Convert Aladin disks to Spectre
MacExch:  Format Spectre disks that can be used on a HD mac drive.
          This program is the real beauty of package.
Startup.ps: Print PostScipt files from the Mac on Ultrascript, even
            the difficult ones from Freehand etc.

Every Spectre user who has either Ultrascript, Aladin disks or knows
someone with a Macintosh with an FDHD drive. For those, it obviates
the need for a GCR because file exchange is easy and straightforward
on 720 MFM Macintosh- and Atari compatible disks (does not need
Apple file exchange (r) or stuffit!).