[comp.sys.atari.st] Info about DELTA MODUL, upon many requests...

s37837k@saha.hut.fi (Jari Lehto) (02/15/91)

So many requests... So, here is the info for all of you:

(the original is in german, not a strong language for me...)

	386SX AT-Emulator & 16MHz 68000 accelerator.

Both processors run 16MHz, both have 16kb cache. There is a socket for
both 80387SX and 68881 math co-processors.  
In ST-mode acceleration is about 70-100%.  
MS-DOS programs are started from GEM-desktop.  
Easy switching between MS-DOS and GEM/TOS.  
Can have max. 3 AT-cards, for example a VGA (or super-VGA) -card can be used
under both GEM and MS-DOS! (cheap graphic-extension...)
Speed under MS-DOS Norton factor 15.8.
It is a board that replaces the old 68000, measures are 12.7cm x 14.0cm.
Emulates CGA, Hercules and VGA-monochrome directly.
Works with Autoswitch-Overscan.
Understands all centronics-connected printers. 
Does not directly support Atari Laser SLM 804 or SLM 605, laser printouts
have to be made in ST-mode.
Recognices COM1, being the RS232-port, COM2, being the MIDI-interface, and
COM3 being the ST's mouse.
Caches can be switched on and off.
Fully supports Atari hard-disks.
Fully supports HD-floppydrives.
Perfect AT-compatibility, can for example run Windows 3 in extended mode.

	DM001	Delta Modul		1198,- DM

	S1001	AT-slot for 1 card	  69,- DM
	S3001	AT-slot for 3 cards	 119,- DM
	F6881	FPU 68881 Motorola 16MHz 295,- DM
	F387X	FPU 80387SX Intel 16MHz	 570,- DM
	EDM01	Installation & testing	 165,- DM

	OMEGA Computer Systeme GmbH
	Oeltzenstr. 14
	D-3000 Hannover 1

	Tel. int. +49 (0)511 17294
		  +49 (0)511 13635
	Fax int. +49 (0)511 18289
	(leave the zero out when calling outside Germany)

For more detailed info (if I can give it) email me...

Again, not connected to Omega anyhow, except maybe being a future


	*** Jari Lehto, jartsu@otax.hut.fi, s37837k@saha.hut.fi ***