[comp.sys.atari.st] yamaha patches/librarian

cliff@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Clifford Stein) (02/25/91)

My brother has been bugging me about this for a long time.  Does anyone know
where I can get a patch librarian (PD) for the Yamaha DX-11 (DX21, DX27,
DX100 should work also) ?  It'd be nice if it could handle both performance
and solo modes.  I've skimmed terminator but couldn't find anything that
looked promising.

Thanks for any help.

cliff@jarthur.claremont.edu   |  "Ted Striker?  Never heard of him.  Wait!
cliff@jarthur.uucp  	      |  That's not exactly true.  We were like
...uunet!jarthur!cliff	      |  brothers."
cstein@hmcvax.bitnet          |  		--Buck Murdoch