[comp.sys.atari.st] STalker BBS solved

ramsiri@blake.u.washington.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) (02/25/91)

My fault.. didn't pay attention to the readme.txt:

 If you are having trouble getting STalker to answer the phone and
    connect the user in remote mode it could be due to the way your modem
    sets carrier detect when answering.  The best workaround is to put the
    "Q1" command in your remote mode modem initialization string, assuming
    of course that your modem understands the "Q" command.  This tells the
    modem not to return codes like OK/CONNECT/RING, and it's usually the
    RING that causes the problem.  You'll want to put a "Q0" in your
    autodialer modem init string to turn the return codes back on, so for
    example your autodialer would typically have "ATX4Q0S0=0" and your
    remote mode would have "ATQ1S0=1".


works fine...
sorry to have wasted anybody's time answering me...
