[comp.sys.atari.st] Italian?

jhs@druwy.ATT.COM (Jeffrey H. Shore) (02/26/91)

> Does anyone happen to have a French dictionary for the ST version of Word
> Perfect?  I am planning on generating one myself, but it would be a lot
> quicker if someone had already done it!  Thanks! -- Andy

Aha, me too, sort of.

Actually, I was about to ask if anyone might have or know of 
the existance of an ITALIAN dictionary for the ST Word Perfect.

I can (and may have too) build at least a limited version
for my specific needs, but life would be a lot simpler if
someone knows of a commmercial version, or would be willing
to share their home-brewed Italian dictionary.

E-mail or post would be great.

Tante grazie in anticipo di una risposta!!
