[comp.sys.atari.st] Multitasking

kirkenda@jove.cs.pdx.edu (Steve Kirkendall) (08/17/89)

It's my turn to talk now.  I promise to try and say something original.

1) Why do I want multitasking? Well, mostly because it would make desk
accessories obsolete;  each DA could be replaced by an application program.
DAs use memory from the time the system is booted to the time it is rebooted.
This is bad.  You have to reboot the system to install a new DA.  This is bad.
DAs must be written and compiled differently than "regular" programs.  This is
bad. Presently we must worry about two kinds of programs ("*.ACC" and "*.PRG").
This is bad.  In fact, the only good thing about DAs is that you can run one
while you're in the middle of an application, and a REAL multitasking system
would give that ability to EVERY program.

Also, there are times when it is easier or more efficient to implement a single
application as a collection of tasks.  An example of this from UNIX is the
'cu' program, which is implemented as two processes: one to copy characters
from the keyboard to the modem, and one to copy characters from the modem to
the screen.  "Client/Server" systems (such as X-windows and certain database
packages) provide more examples.  The Minix kernel and AmigaDos are both
implemented as collections of tasks, because they are easier to maintain
that way.

2) One thing I wonder about, though:  what would multitasking TOS look like?
I mean "look" literally -- how would several GEM programs *share* the screen?
Currently, it seems that every GEM program expects to have exclusive control
of the screen.  Each handles its own refreshes, and has its own menu bar.
How does DRI's multitasking 80x86 version of GEM handle this?

3) Concerning the necessity of an MMU:  Obviously, an MMU is not *necessary*,
since Minix works.  Just as obviously, an MMU is *desirable* because it
limits the damage from a program on the rampage (pardon the pun), makes
debugging easier, eliminates the need for relocation, etc.  I want an MMU,
but I don't have one, and I'm not going to let that keep me from using
multitasking under Minix.

Even without an MMU, Minix-ST is fairly secure.  It traps stack overflow and
any attempt to dereference a NULL pointer.  It does NOT trap pointers that
overrun a buffer, but these are rare and typically occur only in the last
process that I have started (and hence in the process that resides in the
last portion of used memory) so no harm is done to other processes.
	-- Steve Kirkendall
	or    kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu

obryan@gumby.cc.wmich.edu (Mark O'Bryan) (08/19/89)

In article <1610@psueea.UUCP>, kirkenda@jove.cs.pdx.edu (Steve Kirkendall) writes:
> 1) Why do I want multitasking? Well, mostly because it would make desk
> accessories obsolete;  each DA could be replaced by an application program.
> DAs use memory from the time the system is booted to the time it is rebooted.
> This is bad.  You have to reboot the system to install a new DA.  This is bad.

Actually, neither of these statements is true if you have MultiDesk from
CodeHead Software.  It allows you to load and flush accessories pretty much
at will, without rebooting.  It's a slick product.

Your other points about DA limitations (omitted) were well made, and easy
to agree with.

Mark T. O'Bryan                 Internet:  obryan@gumby.cc.wmich.edu
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI  49008

selick@bucsf.bu.edu (Steven Selick) (02/11/91)

In response to all of the talk about amigas being 'true' multitasking
machines and such, I just thought I'd point out that no matter how you
slice it, a single microprocessor can only handle one command at a time.
Depending on the methods you choose to do your application switching,
you can buffer i/o and such to maximize your productivity, but you still
are performing one function on the processor at any given clock tick. 

Although I am relatively upset at the low priority given to midi and
such musical applications on the net, I must agree with the amiga user
that one of the main features of the st is its built in midi port and 
relative low cost, making it ideal for the struggling musician (like
myself) but I must say that I have USED the 'big' sequencers on the
mac, and I have toyed with amiga/ibm sequencers in the store, and none 
has come close to Notator on the ST. The ST is a wonderful machine for
the price, and I was happy enough with my 1040st to upgrade to an STE
(mainly for the blitter chip, tos 1.6, and memory upgrade, but what else
is there?) I also just want to say that on the mac (I am running spectre
by the way) I feel considerably more closed in. This is not a concrete
term, but on the old apple ][, I felt at home. On the ST, I feel at
home. On the mac, I feel very restricted. I am not saying that the st is
better...I don't think anybody needs to make that distinction. I prefer

As for multitasking, I hope atari does a system somewhat like
multifinder on Mac because I love it.

see ya!

lsmichae@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Lars Michael ) (02/11/91)

selick@bucsf.bu.edu (Steven Selick) writes:

>In response to all of the talk about amigas being 'true' multitasking
>machines and such, I just thought I'd point out that no matter how you
>slice it, a single microprocessor can only handle one command at a time.
>Depending on the methods you choose to do your application switching,
>you can buffer i/o and such to maximize your productivity, but you still
>are performing one function on the processor at any given clock tick. 

I really agree with you, *but* a multitasking system slices one second
so all non-blocked processes get one or more slices of time. This is
transparent for the user, so he may think he has *all* his processes 

Actually multitasking can help you e.g. in programming. Lets compare:

	You write some source with the editor, leave the editor, compile,
	debug, find an error and start the editor again. Each application
	has to be left before the next can run.

	Load all applications before use, and switch (without loading)
	only to the one you wanna use. Indeed this is faster !

>Although I am relatively upset at the low priority given to midi and
>such musical applications on the net, I must agree with the amiga user
>that one of the main features of the st is its built in midi port and 
>relative low cost, making it ideal for the struggling musician (like
>myself) but I must say that I have USED the 'big' sequencers on the
>mac, and I have toyed with amiga/ibm sequencers in the store, and none 
>has come close to Notator on the ST. The ST is a wonderful machine for
>the price, and I was happy enough with my 1040st to upgrade to an STE
>(mainly for the blitter chip, tos 1.6, and memory upgrade, but what else
>is there?) 

What else? The STE has:

	hardware scrolling horizontal and vertical
	four Joystick ports (plus two internal ports ?)
	stereo digital sound
	and some features which I don't know.


	I'm an enthusiastic ST-User.

|  Lars Michael                     |    | | |                         |
|  lsmichae@faui43.uni-erlangen.de  |    | | |   "Down with ATARI,     |
+-----------------------------------+   /  |  \   Long live the ST !"  |
|  "May the Schwartz be with you!"  |  /   |   \                       |

plinio@boole.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) (02/14/91)

In article <1991Feb11.151210.4010@informatik.uni-erlangen.de> lsmichae@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Lars Michael ) writes:
>selick@bucsf.bu.edu (Steven Selick) writes:
>>Depending on the methods you choose to do your application switching,
>>you can buffer i/o and such to maximize your productivity, but you still
>>are performing one function on the processor at any given clock tick. 
>I really agree with you, *but* a multitasking system slices one second
>so all non-blocked processes get one or more slices of time. This is
>transparent for the user, so he may think he has *all* his processes 
Provided the time for a task switch is small enough.  If task switches
were done every 10 seconds (and there's no law saying you can't), the
user would notice.  Make task switches every microsecond and again
the user notices something: a darn slow machine (due to overhead -- I'll 
explain below).

>Actually multitasking can help you e.g. in programming. Lets compare:
OK, let's compare.  I'll try to balance the argument with the 

>	You write some source with the editor, leave the editor, compile,
>	debug, find an error and start the editor again. Each application
>	has to be left before the next can run.

Plus, each application runs at the full speed of the processor without
being interrupted every now and then so that the scheduler can start
up to "direct traffic".  Thus, in its simplicity, a single-tasking 
system avoids the typical 10-40% overhead on the processor due to the 
kernel having to do its housekeeping (e.g. basically "asking" each 
process "Do you want to run now?").  An 8MHz single-tasking machine 
running a given program would appear to be a 7.2 MHz machine if it had 
multitasking overhead of only 10%.

Since a lot of the time a single-user machine like the ST only needs 
to be running one program, there'd better be a good reason to penalize 
the user with a significant amount of overhead all the time.

Once two processes start running at the same time, each process will 
seem slower because they are sharing the processor time with each other
and the scheduler; each process will then be running at 50% speed
(minus the speed of the overhead).  If one of them stops to wait for 
the disk, say, then the other usually gains back the entire processor 
minus the overhead (minus any slowdown due to the disk transfer and the 
processor trying to use memory at the same time).

Run too many other processes, and the machine may become unusably
slow.  The user might be frustrated to press a key and not get the
expected response (yet).  He might start to think that the machine
is hung.   To get around this, some schedulers pre-empt the processor
so that that the user is still able to type, use the mouse...at 
nearly the speed he is accustomed (at the expense of other processes).  
But this adds even more code to the scheduler which you are trying to 
keep small because of overhead. 

In addition, if there is neither multitasking nor task switching,
each application has the entire memory space to itself, so it 
will not crash due to some other processes having tweaked its memory 
space (sometimes by accident, sometimes by ignorance...sometimes
on purpose ];-D ).

>	Load all applications before use, and switch (without loading)
>	only to the one you wanna use. Indeed this is faster !
What you've described is only task-switching.  When you type control-Z
from Gulam's built-in 'ue' editor to go back to the shell, or type fg
to go back in, you are task-switching.  You are also task switching
if you are in Gulam's terminal emulator and press the Undo key to go
back to the shell screen.  Indeed this is fast.  But Multitasking is 
having many processes loaded AND (potentially) running at the same 
time.  It means that two processes that don't know what each other does
can possibly be using the other's memory without its permission.  

I don't mean to imply that because a machine is multitasking it
will always be crashing.  In fact, I prefer being able to start it
up, if only because I like to keep editing while I'm compiling a 
large program.  But on a machine with no MMU, it is necessarily risky.

Say you had ten processes running at the same time.  The risk
is ten times higher that some of the code in RAM will have a bug 
in it or will misbehave.  You have to be doubly careful if you are 
doing serious work, and at the same time you are starting up a new 
program that you haven't used before.  So you save your files and 
wait for the save to finish before you try the experimental stuff.  

To be even more sure that the new program hasn't smashed a part of 
the data in the other programs, you quit the other programs.  You
don't want part of the program you're writing to have a bunch
of funny characters in it all of a sudden.  And to be safe from 
having the operating system's tables (which it has to have in 
RAM to multitask) tweaked by the program, providing wierd 
behaviour later, you quit the operating system.  Yes, you can do 
this with MiNT (and possibly Beckemeyer's MT C-shell) on the ST, 
by exiting the top-level shell.

>>the price, and I was happy enough with my 1040st to upgrade to an STE
>>(mainly for the blitter chip, tos 1.6, and memory upgrade, but what else
>>is there?) 
>	hardware scrolling horizontal and vertical
>	four Joystick ports (plus two internal ports ?)
>	stereo digital sound
>	and some features which I don't know.
there is also a 4096 color palette, and I think it has RCA jacks (ports?)
for the stereo audio, and the ability to add more memory with SIMM's.

plini b
----- ---- --- -- ------ ---- --- -- - -  -  plinio@seas.ucla.edu 
Putting the Ctrl key under shift; replacing it with CAPSLOCK, is like putting 
the steering wheel in the trunk, and trying to drive with the spare tire.

david@doe.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) (02/14/91)

In article <1976@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU> plinio@boole.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) writes:
>Provided the time for a task switch is small enough.  If task switches
>were done every 10 seconds (and there's no law saying you can't), the
>user would notice.  Make task switches every microsecond and again
>being interrupted every now and then so that the scheduler can start
>up to "direct traffic".  Thus, in its simplicity, a single-tasking 
>system avoids the typical 10-40% overhead on the processor due to the 
>kernel having to do its housekeeping (e.g. basically "asking" each 
>process "Do you want to run now?").  An 8MHz single-tasking machine 
>running a given program would appear to be a 7.2 MHz machine if it had 
>multitasking overhead of only 10%.
>Since a lot of the time a single-user machine like the ST only needs 
>to be running one program, there'd better be a good reason to penalize 
>the user with a significant amount of overhead all the time.

It's not as bad as you make it out to be. First of all, all of the
interrupts (mouse handler, etc.) in the ST can slow down any program
as much as or more than a multi-tasking scheduler. The ideal way to
multi-task is to have the foreground program at full priority, and the
background program(s) at low priority. ie. if you are writing something
in an editor, the editor does not wasted CPU time while it is waiting
for a keystroke, and the compilation process in the background can use
the full CPU. As soon as you hit a key, the editor takes over most or
all of the CPU, and the compilation process bides its time until the
editor is waiting for another keystroke. I'm a fast typist, and I
don't find microemacs sluggish, even when virmf is making a new TeX
font in the background! If you have a slow hard disk, however, any
disk-bound process can slow down all the tasks. However, when I am
running only a single task under MT C-Shell or MiNT, I cannot notice
any speed difference between that and TOS.

/  David Megginson                      david@doe.utoronto.ca          /
/  Centre for Medieval Studies          meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca     /

CXW148@psuvm.psu.edu (02/15/91)

Could someone please Email me a description of hardware multitasking (boards,
etc.) that allow true multitasking on the Atari ST?  I've heard about the
software, but multitasking under software is not multitasking.  A
multiprocessor board is neccessary for true multitasking.
                                   Chris Winward
                            userid CXW148 on psuvm.psu.edu

 Disclaimer: This note does not exist, therefore you are not reading it now.

plinio@turing.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) (02/15/91)

In article <1991Feb14.133758.3687@doe.utoronto.ca> david@doe.utoronto.ca (David 
>>system avoids the typical 10-40% overhead on the processor due to the 
>>kernel having to do its housekeeping (e.g. basically "asking" each 
>>process "Do you want to run now?").  An 8MHz single-tasking machine 
>>running a given program would appear to be a 7.2 MHz machine if it had 
>>multitasking overhead of only 10%.
>>Since a lot of the time a single-user machine like the ST only needs 
>>to be running one program, there'd better be a good reason to penalize 
>>the user with a significant amount of overhead all the time.
>It's not as bad as you make it out to be. First of all, all of the

True, as long as a machine is still usable for what you need it
for, and doesn't frustrate you because you know it could be done
faster, who cares how much CPU time is being used up?

I was trying to balance the argument with the little talked about
downsides of multitasking -- maybe I overdid it.  There are lots of 
cases in which multitasking will save you time.  I decided to point 
out some in which it doesn't, and found quite a few in the process.

Again, I actually prefer to use multitasking, if the slowdown (and
other things) aren't so bad as to outweigh the benefits.  Mainly, I 
wanted to debunk any notions that may have existed that multitasking
gets you something for nothing; that you could have 10 busy, scrolling
screens running side by side in different windows, and that they would 
all be chugging along at the full-speed that you're used to on your
single-tasking machine.

>interrupts (mouse handler, etc.) in the ST can slow down any program
>as much as or more than a multi-tasking scheduler. The ideal way to

The way the mouse was done on the ST happens to be one of the things
that I liked most about the original O/S.  Machines 10 times more expensive 
exist that cannot approach the quality of it (the clicking is another 
story).  Yes, even the fast, 12.5 MIPS Sparcs running Unix/X-windows have a 
'mushy' feel to the mouse tracking, and a skipping mouse cursor with a 
painted-on appearance, by comparison.  

>multi-task is to have the foreground program at full priority, and the
>background program(s) at low priority. ie. if you are writing something
>in an editor, the editor does not wasted CPU time while it is waiting
>for a keystroke, and the compilation process in the background can use
>all of the CPU, and the compilation process bides its time until the

Not *all* of the CPU.  Even though you may not notice it, part of
the CPU time has to be going to the taxman, simply because there's a
timer interrupting the processor constantly, waking up the scheduler
many times a second to check if it is time for another process to run.
And this is the *efficient* way to do it.

>don't find microemacs sluggish, even when virmf is making a new TeX
>font in the background! If you have a slow hard disk, however, any

That's how it should be.  But a lot of implementations out there are 
processor (and memory) hogs, and do make you wait for a keystroke.  

As far as MiNT is concerned, know that you have been spoiled.
This product has achieved Unix source near-compatibility, while at the
same time imposing what is in my opinion a respectably very low CPU 
overhead, and a low memory overhead (by comparison) at the same 

Other implementations out there for other machines don't shine so
brightly.  (I won't name names in the interest of not throwing spoilt 
apples at other companies, but...) Have you ever used a presumably 
fast machine that used cooperative multitasking? The 40% overhead figure 
that I mentioned above would not seem unrealistic to you after using one.  

So as you can see, it could be worse.  It could be a LOT worse.

>disk-bound process can slow down all the tasks. However, when I am

How's that?  With DMA, you'd think a slow hard disk and a fast one
would burden you about the same (not much).

>running only a single task under MT C-Shell or MiNT, I cannot notice
>any speed difference between that and TOS.

Could it be possible that MiNT implements a rewrite and speedup of 
the Bconxxx O/S calls, and that's why typing and printing text
on the screen does not seem that slow?  Is it just me, or is scrolling
actually FASTER under MiNT?

plini b
----- ---- --- -- ------ ---- --- -- - -  -  plinio@seas.ucla.edu 
Putting the Ctrl key under shift; replacing it with CAPSLOCK, is like putting 
the steering wheel in the trunk, and trying to drive with the spare tire.

mjs@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Marc Sabatella) (02/16/91)

>    software, but multitasking under software is not multitasking.  A
>    multiprocessor board is neccessary for true multitasking.

Not by any reasonable definition of multitasking I've ever seen.  Amigas
multitask, Unix multitasks, virtually every other "real" operating system out
there (depending on how you label MS-DOS) multitasks without special hardware.
Well, maybe an MMU, but no multiprocessors are required.  Read an OS text to
learn the difference between "multitasking" and "multiprocessors".

My bried summary: "multitasking" is achieving the illusion of doing more than
one thing at a time, to give you a convenient user interface.  But the total
CPU time required to execute two processes is the same sequential or parallel.
A "multiprocessor" is something that will execute >1 instruction at once, where
those instructons may all come from the same process - ie, one need not
multitask to take advantage of a multiprocessor.  The sole purpose of a
multiprocessor is to make things run faster; it is entirely orthogonal to the
issue of multitasking.

vsnyder@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Van Snyder) (02/16/91)

From 1968 to 1984, I used an Univac 1108, which had 262144 words of 36 bits
each of memory (about 1 MB).  The operating system used about 32k of this for
code, and another 32k for data (heap), leaving 1bout 196k words for users.
We ran with 50 interactive users, 10 active batch (background) jobs, and
queues of up to 50 or so background jobs.  Plus input and output spooling.
The machine had 11 4ms drums, each with 262144 words, for swapping.  It was
expensive, but gave better response than a 6Mhz AT (although the user interface
sucked).  The key to the performance was that Univac knew how to build a
machine that could handle interrupts quickly (2 cycles, because there was
an entire duplicate set of registers for the OS), and, more importantly,
the operating system KNEW HOW TO USE INTERRUPTS.  If you implement multitasking
by ticking the clock every k (say 10) milliseconds, and going around asking
"are you ready to run", your performance will be more like Unix (30% penalty
at least).  The switching algorithm used in 1100 OS was what OS theorists call
"inverse of remainder of quantum:"  Each process has a priority and a "time
quantum".  A process is NOT interrupted by the clock until its time quantum
has expired.  Other interrupts, e.g. I/O completion, external event (keystroke
or mouse movement), etc may make a higher priority process eligible for
execution.  If a process willingly relinquishes control, e.g. to wait for
disk or console I/O, before using 1/2 of a quantum, its quantum is halved,
and its priority increased.  If a process willingly relinquishes control after
using more than half but less than all of its quantum, neither quantum nor
priority change.  If a process loses control by its quantum expiring, the 
quantum is doubled and the priority decreased.  By this scheme, the OS
overhead for a compute-only task rapidly approaches zero.  If your processor
and OS both know how to handle interrupts, and the task dispatcher uses
decent data structures for keeping track of task priorities, and you don't
piss away 1/3 of the cycles fooling with the clock unnecessarily, the
performance of a multitasking OS supporting one interactive process should
also approach zero.

Another thing the 1100 OS knew how to do EXCEEDINGLY WELL was disk and tape
I/O.  There were five basic I/O interfaces: overlapped IO, synchronized later
by explicit WAIT request; I/O with the OS causing you to wait to get control
until the I/O completed (but somebody else got to use the processor); over-
lapped I/O with pseudo-interrupt at termination; I/O with wait and pseudo-
interrupt at completion; and I/O with task termination and pseudo-interrupt
at the end.  The last has pretty much the same effect as the second, but with
less overhead.  One might argue that I/O with overlap causes the machine to slow
down because of contention between the channels and processors, but if the BIOS
sits there and says "hey, are you done? hey, are you done? hey, are you done?
..." a million or so times per I/O, the effect is to have much worse performance
than if even half of the processor's cycles get stolen by the channel.  On the
ST, unfortunately, there's only one DMA for both the hard and floppy disks, so
the most interesting overlapped I/O opportunities can't be realized.  But I/O to
the disk and printer, for example, could proceed concurrently with computing IF

Even if TOS/GEMDOS/BIOS/XBIOS never learns how to multi-task, I'd like to have
overlapped I/O to the floppy disks, ACSI, printer, RS-232 and MIDI at least.
At the BIOS level, I'd like to give a SCSI block (yes SCSI, not ACSI), and
a memory address if necessary.  This would make it trivial to write support for
tape, ethernet, toasters, etc. on the ACSI channel.  I'd be happy to have only
"start I/O and return immediately with I/O proceeding concurrently" and "wait
for I/O to complete" interfaces to the BIOS.  At the GEMDOS (file I/O) level,
I'd like to add both of the above to the present "start I/O and don't continue
until it's done" interface.  Of course, I'd like the same for the rest of the
devices.  It would also be nice to be able to use interrupts, but that may
require something more like a multitasking kernel.

Enough of a tirade for now.  Maybe more later.  In general, I don't think
TOS/GEMDOS/BIOS/XBIOS preclude intelligent I/O, or even multitasking.  One
doesn't need all the clanking machinery of Unix.  [Aside:  The hackers who
invented Unix were rebelling at the size of Multics.  Unix is now about 5
times the size of Multics, and doesn't do more than a few extra things (mostly
networking stuff).]



vsnyder@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Van Snyder) (02/16/91)

In article <1986@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU> plinio@turing.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) writes:
>Not *all* of the CPU.  Even though you may not notice it, part of
>the CPU time has to be going to the taxman, simply because there's a
>timer interrupting the processor constantly, waking up the scheduler
>many times a second to check if it is time for another process to run.
>And this is the *efficient* way to do it.

It's most definitely NOT the efficient way to do it, if you have an adequate
clock.  The *efficient* way to do it is to give the process a time quantum,
set the clock to interrupt WHEN THAT QUANTUM HAS EXPIRED, and DON'T USE CLOCK
INTERRUPTS FOR ANYTHING ELSE.  What purpose is served by getting clock
interrupts every 10ms, only to discover that what you were doing is what you
wish to continue doing?  'Way back in '72, Madnick and Donovan described this
notion in their text "Operating Systems".  Petersen and Silberschatz did a good
job too.  I've not taught an operating systems class in over 6 years, but I've
been told that Tanenbaums book is excellent.  Better yet, get hold of Univac
1100 OS listings -- Univac hasn't gone OCO yet, so most any Unisys 1100 site
has them.

Sorry to keep harping on this.  I just can't understand why nowadays one
requires 196k to do 10% of what could be done in 90k 25 years ago.



miskinis@aisg.enet.dec.com (John Miskinis) (02/17/91)

Yes, the last reply regarding multitasking is quite correct...  

The standard (GEM) Atari desktop has a limited multitasking shell built into
it.  This can be demonstrated easily by invoking a desk accessory while
windows are being re-painted (like when exiting an application).  The desk
accessory will become the current "process", and the window that was in
the middle of being repainted will freeze.  As soon as you do something in
the desk accessory (click a button, etc.) and the desk accessory continues
running, the window(s) will finish repainting, and then control returns
back to the desk accessory...

Anyone who's a GURU, and is familiar with Atari ST MIDI and/or MFPINT, please
check out my MIDI postings in comp.sys.atari.st.tech...  I'm trying to solve
a problem with MIDI input, by replacing the level 6 interrupt handler.  I'm
having a problem getting a pointer to the original one, so I can restore it
upon application terminantion...



bill@mwca.UUCP (Bill Sheppard) (02/19/91)

[discussion of various multitasking systems deleted]
>Other implementations out there for other machines don't shine so
>brightly.  (I won't name names in the interest of not throwing spoilt 
>apples at other companies, but...) Have you ever used a presumably 
>fast machine that used cooperative multitasking? The 40% overhead figure 
>that I mentioned above would not seem unrealistic to you after using one.

A consultant doing a study for a customer of ours did some research into
the amount of overhead our operating system (OS-9) required; his findings
were that on a 20 MHz 68020 the the OS required less than 0.5% of the CPU's
processing bandwidth, using a 10 ms clock tick, 2 ticks/slice (which equals
50 time slices/second).  This overhead consisted primarily of the scheduler
aging processes and saving context/switching process where appropriate.
This was not on an ST, so OS tasks such as mouse handling weren't needed.
A 68030 should require substantially less overhead, since as the processor
power goes up the relative amount of time needed to do housekeeping goes
down.  Also, the on-board cache of a 68030 should make a substantial
difference.  Of course, the same holds true in the other direction - a 68000
would require substantially more overhead as a percentage of total processing
bandwidth.  Also, OS-9 is a real-time operating system, and so is tuned to
require as little overhead as possible.  More general-purpose OS' such as
TOS (were it multi-tasking), Amiga OS, Mac System 7.0, and Unix generally
would require significantly more overhead (a factor of 10 wouldn't be an
unreasonable assumption, at least for Unix).

 # Bill Sheppard  --  bills@microware.com  --  {uunet,sun}!mcrware!mwca!bill  #
 # Microware Systems Corporation  ---  OS-9: Seven generations beyond OS/2!!  #
 ######Opinions expressed are my own, though you'd be wise to adopt them!######

7103_2622@uwovax.uwo.ca (Eric Smith) (02/19/91)

In article <1986@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU>, plinio@turing.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) writes:
> As far as MiNT is concerned, know that you have been spoiled.
> This product has achieved Unix source near-compatibility, while at the
> same time imposing what is in my opinion a respectably very low CPU 
> overhead, and a low memory overhead (by comparison) at the same 
> time.  
Thanks for the kind words. Low overhead was definitely one of my goals for
MiNT, and I think it turned out not too bad (I get about 1 or 2% fewer
dhrystones under MiNT than under TOS, which isn't noticeable to the user).
> Could it be possible that MiNT implements a rewrite and speedup of 
> the Bconxxx O/S calls, and that's why typing and printing text
> on the screen does not seem that slow?  Is it just me, or is scrolling
> actually FASTER under MiNT?
No, not yet. In fact, the overhead for system calls under MiNT is quite a
bit higher than under TOS, so Bconxxx calls are a lot slower. However,
it's possible that the Cconws() and Fwrite() may be faster, so it probably
balances out.
Eric R. Smith                     email:
Dept. of Mathematics            eric.smith@uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario   7103_2622@uwovax.bitnet

torrance@elaine24.stanford.edu (Mark Torrance) (02/21/91)

I have noticed problems with crashing when running multiple programs
under MiNT.  I wondered whether anyone has compiled a good list of
which programs work and which don't under MiNT.

Mark Torrance torrance@cs.stanford.edu
Stanford Computer Science Department
    Mark C. Torrance     torrance@next.stanford.edu     415-327-2159
          Undergraduate, Symbolic Systems, Stanford University
             AI, Connectionist Music Composition, Atari ST

david@doe.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) (02/22/91)

In <torrance.667114685@elaine24.stanford.edu>, Mark Torrance writes:
> I have noticed problems with crashing when running multiple programs
> under MiNT.  I wondered whether anyone has compiled a good list of
> which programs work and which don't under MiNT.
As far as I know, the main reason that programs crash under MiNT is that
they are buggy. If a program is running alone, there is often a lot
of extra memory in the computer, so if a program writes to the wrong
memory accidentally, it does no damage and the bug goes undetected.
When you are running a lot of programs together, there is not usually
as much empty memory, so a buggy program is more likely to do something
REALLY nasty, like overwriting someone else's .text segment (sure death).

This is a problem with the M68000 chip (which doesn't have memory
protection) and with the programs involved, but in no way reflects
badly on MiNT. You might find the same problem if you run a lot of
auto-folder programs and desk accessories, then run a program in the
remaining memory.


/  David Megginson                      david@doe.utoronto.ca          /
/  Centre for Medieval Studies          meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca     /

jclark@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (John Clark) (02/26/91)

In article <1991Feb16.004202.26343@jato.jpl.nasa.gov> vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Van Snyder) writes:
+sucked).  The key to the performance was that Univac knew how to build a
+machine that could handle interrupts quickly (2 cycles, because there was
+an entire duplicate set of registers for the OS), and, more importantly,
+the operating system KNEW HOW TO USE INTERRUPTS.  If you implement multitasking

The Texas Instruments' 9900 microprocessor family had a Workspace Pointer.
The 'register set' r0-r15 was pointed to by this pointer in RAM. The
context switch was get new PC and LOAD WP. Unfortunately TI in their
wonderful fumble of the microprocessor line, didn't use their
corporate resources to dominate the market. The rest is history.

John Clark

vsnyder@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Van Snyder) (02/27/91)

In article <16998@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> jclark@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (John Clark) writes:
>In article <1991Feb16.004202.26343@jato.jpl.nasa.gov> vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Van Snyder) writes: ...
Clark replies >
>The Texas Instruments' 9900 microprocessor family had a Workspace Pointer.
>The 'register set' r0-r15 was pointed to by this pointer in RAM. The
>context switch was get new PC and LOAD WP. Unfortunately TI in their
>wonderful fumble of the microprocessor line, didn't use their
>corporate resources to dominate the market. The rest is history.

How many other folks have noticed that good system /= good marketing?
