daroloso@watmath.waterloo.edu (Dani A. Roloson) (02/22/91)
Does anyone have details on the upcoming Windsor/Detroit Show this spring? There seems to be quite a lack of publicity for a major show. Dani Roloson KWEST Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari User Group
darekm@microsoft.UUCP (Darek MIHOCKA) (02/28/91)
In article <1991Feb21.190120.1810@watmath.waterloo.edu> daroloso@watmath.waterloo.edu (Dani A. Roloson) writes: > >Does anyone have details on the upcoming Windsor/Detroit Show this spring? >There seems to be quite a lack of publicity for a major show. > >Dani Roloson >Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari User Group Dani, the Windsor show is a two day show, on the weekend of May 4 and 5. Contact Pattie Rayl (of Atari Interface magazine) for more information regarding booths, location etc. The booths are very reasonably prices (much cheaper than most shows) and as you can guess, Branch Always will be represented there by at least 3 people (including myself) for the world premier of Quick ST 3.0. If Canada Customs lets me in the country. <grin> For people that need to fly out, they have a 40% off special with Northwest Airlines through Detroit, although I found that flying to Toronto and then driving to Windsor is much cheaper, which is what I'll be doing. I knew there was a good reason for having a weak Canadian dollar! You should call Pattie at 313-973-8825 during reasonable hours. - Darek ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darek Mihocka Quick ST 3 cometh! All views expressed are my own. Branch Always Software, 14150 NE 20th St. Suite 302, Bellevue, WA 98007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com (03/04/91)
Just to expand on what Darek posted about the Windsor/Detroit Atarifest, here's the "official" Press Release that was just, er.. released... Atari Users' Groups in the U.S. should have already received an information package detailing how they can arrange for a FREE booth at the show to represent their group. Canadian groups should be receiving the same info as soon as the Canadian WAUG sends them out.. :) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- February 1991 Ann Arbor, MI/Windsor, Ontario, Canada -- The Windsor Atari Users Group of Windsor, Ontario, Canada and the Washtenaw Atari Users Group of Ann Arbor, MI are hosting the Windsor/Detroit International AtariFest on May 4-5, 1991 at the St. Clair College of Arts and Technology in Windsor. With support from both Atari US and Atari Canada, the show promises to be a "must attend" event for Atarians everywhere. St. Clair College is conveniently located in Windsor, only minutes from the Ambassador Bridge and Windsor International Airport. Hotel accomodations, car rentals and a number of restaurants are also near the college. Regularly scheduled flights are available from Toronto to Windsor, and charter flights are available from Detroit Metro Airport. Exhibitors already committed to exhibit at the show include: Atari US Atari Canada Branch Always Software Canoe Computer Channel One Computer Clear Thinking DA Brumleve Double Click Software Fast Technology Goldleaf Publishing ICD Inc. Innovative Concepts ISD Marketing Joppa Computer Mainstream America MegaType Micro Creations Musicode Software Nice & Software PDC Distributors Phil Comeau Software Talon Technology Unicorn Publications What's This? Wiz Works Many other developers, including GEnie, Soft-Logik Publishing, Gadgets by Small, Michtron and CodeHead Software have indicated interest in exhibiting at the show. Show times are 10-6 on Saturday and 10-5 on Sunday. Tickets are only $4 Canadian per day at the door, and children under 12 will be admitted free of charge when accompanied by an adult. Door prize drawings and seminars will be held throughout both days. Advance tickets can be purchased for $3 Canadian (or equivalent US exchange rate) by sending check or money order to Windsor/Detroit International AtariFest, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. For attendees flying in for the show, Northwest Airlines is offering 40% off round trip coach airfares and 5% savings on other applicable round trip fares. Canadian attendees can save from 25 to 40% on coach fares. Call 1-800-328-1111 for reservations. The "profile number" for the discount airfares is 03257. Northwest Airlines is the official airline of the Windsor/Detroit International AtariFest. Special show discounts on car and truck rentals is available from Budget Rental, the official car rental company for the show. Low convention rates are available on everything from Ford Escorts to Lincoln Town Cars. To make your reservation, call 1-800-333-8840, identify yourself as an attendee of the show and give them the "rate code" of CNVNR1. For more information on the show, contact Craig Harvey, President of WAUG - Ann Arbor at (313) 994-5619 or Brian Cassidy, President of WAUG - Windsor at (519) 966-0305. Developers interested in obtaining booth space at the show should contact Pattie Rayl at (313) 973-8825 ASAP.