[comp.sys.atari.st] Ultima VI for the Atari ST

dddean@bluemoon.uucp (David D. Dean) (03/09/91)


        I was wondering about the game of Ultima VI, and wheater or not it 
will be making an appearance in the land of the ST?

I have seen the other games of the great Ultima saga for the ST, but have 
yet to see or here of it's upbringing for the ST.

Thanks for any reply!

David D. Dean, President       "Living in a 3-D world."
Explorer Post 891
AT&T Bell Laboratories          Columbus, Ohio

**** Any opinions are that of the author, and NOT of AT&T ****

Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com (03/12/91)

David Dean asked about the possibilities of Ultima VI being ported to
the Atari ST...
When I spoke with Richard Garriott (Lord British) at the Summer Consumer
Electronics Show last June, he said he *was* interested in porting
Ultima VI to the ST, but that he needed someone who could do the programming.
...and... he was actively trying to recruit someone to do that at the
Since then I haven't heard anything further, but if I remember, I'll ask
them in the Origin Systems area on CompuServe...