[comp.sys.atari.st] Using 2 drives in DM I and level 6 help

ricks@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Rick Silverstein) (03/08/91)

I have DMI, V.1.2.  The instructions say that if you have two floppy drives,
drive B may be used for the save disk and A for the game disk.  However,
it always makes me stick the save disk in A.  CSB recognizes the B drive so
I know it's hooked up properly.  Anyone get this to work? 

Also, I need a clue to get down the hallway marked by "Test Your Strength"
on level 6.  There is an invisible transporter/wall that blocks the way.


rrd@hpfcso.FC.HP.COM (Ray Depew) (03/12/91)

In reply to ricks@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Rick Silverstein):

> I have DMI, V.1.2.  The instructions say that if you have two floppy drives,
> drive B may be used for the save disk and A for the game disk.  However,
> it always makes me stick the save disk in A.  CSB recognizes the B drive so
> I know it's hooked up properly.  Anyone get this to work? 

Sorry, can't help you here.

> Also, I need a clue to get down the hallway marked by "Test Your Strength"
> on level 6.  There is an invisible transporter/wall that blocks the way.

Don't bother.  Take a couple of steps back to the main corridor and walk a
little ways until you find a metal-grate door on the left, with no apparent
way to open it.  Shoot arrows through the door one at a time, until one 
lands on a pad on the other side, opening the door.

(DANGER:  Jump out of the way as soon as you fire your arrow.  There's an
invisible field on the other side of the door which makes your arrow disappear
and reappear behind you, still flying.  If you get good at jumping out of the
way, and if your arrow is a Slayer, then you can turn and watch it zing past
you several times before it comes to rest.)

-- Ray


Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com (03/13/91)

Rick Silverstein asked about Dungeon Master...
As far as I know, DM can only use one disk drive.. FTL responded to many
requests from their customers, and added two drive support to CSB..
To "Test Your Strength", try throwing something down that hallway you can't
pass through..
(Rick.. did you get the Bloom County CSB portraits?  Mail to your address
bounced... )