[comp.sys.atari.st] Changing GEM rez on the fly?

adamd@rhi.hi.is (Adam David) (03/15/91)

I saw a few months back some discussion here on whether this was easy to do. I
didn't pay much attention to it then, but now I have reason to regret not having
kept those files. As I remember, the problem is that GEM needs to be told about
the changed screen resolution because it is not enough to call the BIOS
Setscreen() routine. I recall some mention of internal GEM variables needing to
be tweaked. When the BIOS resolution is changed from low to medium, GEM
attempts to use the lefthand side of the med-rez screen as a low-rez screen
giving funny colours.
Does anyone have the details or other useful info about this?
Adam David.  (adamd@rhi.hi.is)