[comp.sys.atari.st] Project management software

jhm@snitor.UUCP (John H. McMullen) (04/11/91)

Can someone recommend any project management software for the ST?
I need something that does gantt (I'm not sure of that spelling) and pert
charts.  Any other goodies to bamboozle clients with are a bonus.

(I doubt it matters, but...) I'm using a vanilla 1040ST, meagre 20 meg
disk, 24-pin Raven printer.

Post if you think it's of general interest.

Thanks muchly,
John McMullen
John McMullen
jhm@snitor.UUCP    or               Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems
jhmcmullen@watyew.waterloo.edu      2235 Sheppard Ave., Willowdale
(which forwards to jhm@snitor)      Ontario     M2J 5B5

scale@abode.wciu.edu (Luis Outumuro) (04/14/91)

In article <jhm.671384090@nixtdc> jhm@snitor.UUCP (John H. McMullen) writes:
>Can someone recommend any project management software for the ST?
>I need something that does gantt (I'm not sure of that spelling) and pert
>charts.  Any other goodies to bamboozle clients with are a bonus.
>(I doubt it matters, but...) I'm using a vanilla 1040ST, meagre 20 meg
>disk, 24-pin Raven printer.
>Post if you think it's of general interest.
>Thanks muchly,
>John McMullen
>John McMullen
>jhm@snitor.UUCP    or               Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems
>jhmcmullen@watyew.waterloo.edu      2235 Sheppard Ave., Willowdale
>(which forwards to jhm@snitor)      Ontario     M2J 5B5

	Hi John,
		The only project management software for the Atari ST's that
I know of (granted there could be more!) is a program called Critical Path.
Although the name of the publisher escapes me right at the moment; you should
able to get through either a local Atari dealer or mail order.  Bye.......


Luis Mark Outumuro III                |  "Well... you're damned if you do,
Computer Office Products 818/813-1051 |   and you're damned if you don't!"
Infoline                 818/813-1053 |         - Bart Simpson, 1990...