[comp.sys.atari.st] VT220 - 8 bit Terminal Emulator Required

lezo@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Lez Oxley) (04/23/91)

I am searching for a VT220 terminal emulator which can handle VT200 -
8-bit cursor and numeric keypad ESCape Sequences. For example it should
be able to send the following cursor control sequences in Application

	Application	Up	8F A		8F (hex) = 143 (dec)
			Down	8F B
			Right	8F C
			Left	8F D
Can anyone help?

Ideally I would have liked to have used Uniterm but my reading of the
manual (see Page 26 (para 6.3.2) 'C0/C1 modes') would seem to imply that
only VT200-7bit cursor keys can be sent by the cursor and keypad keys and
that you can not send VT200-8bit sequences. Furthermore, I don't think
you can re-program the unshifted cursor keys.

So if you know of a good VT220 emulator which can satisfy my purposes or
indeed if you know how to reprogram Uniterm to achieve the same effect
please let me know.

Many thanks.

Lez Oxley, Administration, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RH, UK
Tel: +44 273 606755 x3808 Fax: +44 273 678335 JANET: lezo@uk.ac.sussex.syma
ARPA: lezo%syma.sussex.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
BITNET: lezo@syma.sussex.ac.uk      UUCP: lezo@syma.uucp