[comp.sys.atari.st] 4 meg 1040STE vs Mega4STE


Netters were asking about the difference between a 4 meg 1040STE and the
Mega4STE. Since I am an Atari dealer, I feel qualified to answer this one.

I retail the 1040STE with an SM124 monitor for $CDN 679. To boost this to 4
megs costs about another $CDN200. Since external hard disks are a must,
adding an ICD FA.ST 85 costs $CDN 999. Total cost for the system (8 MHz,
TOS 1.6) = $1878.

I retail the Mega1STE with SM124 for $CDN1079. For an additional $CDN 699, the
buyer gets an ICD host adapter, an 85 meg Seagate ST1096N and 4 megs or RAM
for a total cost of $CDN1778, cheaper than the 1040 system because it costs a
lot less for an internal HD. This system also has a detached keyboard, a 16
MHz CPU and TOS 2.n. Best of all, with the VME slot, there are many boards,
such as video cards, that are available for the MegaSTE (see ZNET posting
91-15 or 91-16, cannot remember which one).

The Mega4STE with a 48 meg SCSI bundled from Atari sells for $CDN 1879 because
it costs me more to buy this bundle from Atari than it does to build my own

I recommend the purchase of a Mega STE unless the user wants to stick with
a floppy system.

Finally, this posting is not for commercial purposes, therefore, I have not
mentioned my company name. It was posted for information only to help
netters make informed choices.